Workflows After record deleted
So just create these two files under custom\Espo\Custom\Entities
PHP Code:<?php
namespace Espo\Custom\Entities;
class RequestManagement extends \Espo\Core\Templates\Entities\Base
public const ENTITY_TYPE = 'RequestManagement';
protected $entityType = 'RequestManagement';
PHP Code:<?php
namespace Espo\Custom\Entities;
class Requestlist extends \Espo\Core\Templates\Entities\Base
public const ENTITY_TYPE = 'Requestlist';
protected $entityType = 'Requestlist';
} -
Yes, I created these two entities through the UI in the entity creation process:- Request Management: RequestManagement
- Request Details: Requestlist
I found the RequestManagement.php and Requestlist.php files in the following path: custom/Espo/Custom/Controllers
However, I cannot find the RequestManagement.php and Requestlist.php files in this path, custom\Espo\Custom\Entities
I searched my entire root directory and could only find the RequestManagement.php and Requestlist.php files under the Controllers folder.
Could this be related to the type of entity I selected during creation? I selected the base type.
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Did you create these two entities using the UI from administration create entity ?Leave a comment:
As mentioned before with the signal @delete it won't work as the record has been deleted, a hook is much suitable and easy to implement, you just need to find the correct name of the entities and also make sure that you have the two php files for both (Requestlist and RequestManagement) under custom\Espo\Custom\EntitiesLeave a comment:
You need to create a folder called RequestManagement under custom\Espo\Custom\Hooks and inside that folder create a file called DeleteRequestList.php and then paste the code into the php file.
I am sure you just need to get the correct name of the two entities. Find the correct name under administration > entity manager >Leave a comment:
Following your instructions, I created the code, but it throws a 500 error:
use Espo\Custom\Entities\Requestlist;
use Espo\Custom\Entities\RequestManagement;
According to the log, these two files cannot be found. How should I create them?
HTML Code:<?php namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\RequestManagement; use Espo\Core\Hook\Hook\AfterRemove; use Espo\Custom\Entities\Requestlist; use Espo\Custom\Entities\RequestManagement; use Espo\ORM\Entity; use Espo\ORM\EntityManager; use Espo\ORM\Repository\Option\RemoveOptions; /** * @implements AfterRemove<RequestManagement> */ class DeleteRequestList implements AfterRemove { private EntityManager $entityManager; public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager) { $this->entityManager = $entityManager; } public function afterRemove(Entity $entity, RemoveOptions $options): void { $deleteQuery = $this->entityManager ->getQueryBuilder() ->delete() ->from(Requestlist::ENTITY_TYPE) ->where(['requestManagementId' => $entity->getId()]) // 替换为 Requestlist 实体中关联的外键字段名 ->build(); $this->entityManager->getQueryExecutor()->execute($deleteQuery); } }
Additionally, if I use Workflows to handle this, it throws the following error:
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] DEBUG: WorkflowManager: Start workflow [$@delete] for [RequestManagement, 6684c7a283d179cf3].
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] DEBUG: Start workflow rule [6682b90ab18c6e25c].
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] DEBUG: Condition result [1] for workflow rule [6682b90ab18c6e25c].
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] DEBUG: Start actions for workflow rule [6682b90ab18c6e25c].
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] DEBUG: Start workflow rule [6682b90ab18c6e25c].
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] DEBUG: Workflow\Actions: Start [executeFormula] with cid [0] for entity [RequestManagement, 6684c7a283d179cf3].
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] ERROR: Workflow [6682b90ab18c6e25c]: Action failed, [executeFormula] [0], Formula: Entity required but not passed..
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] DEBUG: End workflow rule [6682b90ab18c6e25c].
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] DEBUG: End running actions for workflow rule [6682b90ab18c6e25c].
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] DEBUG: End workflow rule [6682b90ab18c6e25c].
[2024-07-03 03:38:38] DEBUG: End workflow [$@delete] for [RequestManagement, 6684c7a283d179cf3].Leave a comment:
You are right since the record is deleted the system can't find an related records therefore it doesn't execute. For the moment you can use afterRemove Hook which will be best for your use case. below is an example code:
PHP Code:<?php
namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\YourEntity; // Replace YourEntity with the correct entity name
use Espo\Core\Hook\Hook\AfterRemove;
use Espo\Custom\Entities\RequestList; // Replace with correct name
use Espo\Modules\Crm\Entities\YourEntity; // Replace with correct name Assuming the entity is a crm entity if it is a custom entity then adjust the path Espo\Custom\Entities\YourEntity
use Espo\ORM\Entity;
use Espo\ORM\EntityManager;
use Espo\ORM\Repository\Option\RemoveOptions;
* @implements AfterRemove<YourEntity> // Replace YourEntity with the correct entity name
class DeleteRequestList implements AfterRemove
public function __construct(private EntityManager $entityManager) {}
public function afterRemove(Entity $entity, RemoveOptions $options): void
$deleteQuery = $this->entityManager
->where(['yourLinkId' => $entity->getId()]) // replace yourLinkId with the foreign link Id name
}Leave a comment:
Thank you for your guidance. I used the following formula, and it works correctly in the Formula Sandbox, but it doesn't work in Workflows.
Could it be because the actions are being executed after the deletion?
HTML Code://获取请求明细ID $relatedRecordIds = requestlistsIds; output\printLine($relatedRecordIds); //循环删除请求明细记录 $i = 0; while ($i < array\length($relatedRecordIds)) { output\printLine(array\at($relatedRecordIds, $i)); $relatedId = array\at($relatedRecordIds, $i); if ($relatedId) { record\delete('Requestlist', $relatedId); } $i = $i + 1; }
Last edited by lj4353; 07-01-2024, 02:39 PM.Leave a comment:
Use signal (@delete) and then use action (Run script formula) to loop through the related records and delete them using record\delete() function.Leave a comment:
Workflows After record deleted
I want the child data to be automatically deleted when the parent data is deleted. Since there is no "After record deleted" option in Workflows, how should I proceed?
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