no one have try to make the front-end and (end the back-end) of out-of-box Sms entity ?
i try but have no luck..
sample error after many other :
i think i need to map some field to database field.
and actually on listView, i have nothing listed (database containt some sms record )
no one have try to make the front-end and (end the back-end) of out-of-box Sms entity ?
i try but have no luck..
sample error after many other :
i think i need to map some field to database field.
PHP Code:
ERROR: (21000) SQLSTATE[21000]: Cardinality violation: 1222 The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns; GET /Activities/Contact/6601521fe6bc2c43a/history; line: 77, file: /Documents/www/demo/application/Espo/ORM/Executor/DefaultSqlExecutor.php