afterRemove hook

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  • zerosix
    • Jan 2024
    • 45

    afterRemove hook

    I have 3nentities 'A','B','C' A is linked to both of them with one-many (2 links ab, ac), how to set up please a afterRemove hook to delete All the retaled Bs linked to an A after removing a A?
    thank you so much
    is this code correct?
    PHP Code:
    namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\A;
    use Espo\ORM\Entity;
    class AfterRemove extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base
    public static $order = 10;
    public function afterRemove(Entity $entity)
    $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
    // Get related 'B' entities
    $relatedBs = $entityManager->getRepository('B')->where([
    'aId' => $entity->id
    // Delete each related 'B' entity
    foreach ($relatedBs as $bEntity) {
    Last edited by zerosix; 03-06-2024, 07:10 AM.
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8452

    Don't extend from Hooks\Base. It's been as deprecated for a reason for long. See the documentation on hooks Use an IDE.

    Removal of entities seems to be correct.
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • zerosix
      zerosix commented
      Editing a comment
      thank you yuri for your guidance, i will share the final code on next answer

    • zerosix
      zerosix commented
      Editing a comment
      if i remove extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base i got 500 error
  • zerosix
    • Jan 2024
    • 45

    Situation: I have 2 entities 'AAA','BBB', AAA is linked to BBB with one-many, i want to setup a afterRemove hook to delete All the retaled BBB linked to an AAA after removing a AAA.


    Step 1: Create a Custom Hook File
    First, create a custom hook file for the AAA entity. This file should be located in your EspoCRM's custom directory to ensure it's not overwritten by updates. The directory structure would look like: custom/Espo/Custom/Hooks/AAA/AfterRemove.php

    ​Step 2: Implement the Hook
    Inside AfterRemove.php, implement the hook as follows:

    PHP Code:
    namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\AAA;
    use Espo\ORM\Entity;
    class AfterRemove extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base
        public static $order = 10;
        public function afterRemove(Entity $entity)
            $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
            $relatedBBBs = $entityManager->getRepository('BBB')->where([
                'aAAId' => $entity->id  // Assuming 'aAAId' is the field on BBB that links to AAA
            // Remove each related BBB entity
            foreach ($relatedBBBs as $bbbEntity) {
    Step 3: Clear Cache
    Last edited by zerosix; 03-06-2024, 08:54 AM.


    • yuri
      • Mar 2014
      • 8452

      For whomever reading it in the future, do not extend \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base.
      If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


      • zerosix
        zerosix commented
        Editing a comment
        if i remove extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base i got 500 error
    • rabii
      Active Community Member
      • Jun 2016
      • 1250

      try this instead, it all in the documentation

      PHP Code:
      namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\AAA;
      use Espo\Core\Hook\Hook\AfterRemove;
      use Espo\ORM\Entity;
      use Espo\ORM\EntityManager;
      use Espo\ORM\Repository\Option\RemoveOptions;
       * @implements AfterRemove<AAA>
      class RemoveBEntities implements AfterRemove
          public static $order = 10;
          public function __construct(private EntityManager $entityManager) {}
          public function afterRemove(Entity $entity, RemoveOptions $options): void
              $relatedBBBs = $this->entityManager
                              'aAAId' => $entity->getId()
              if (!count($relatedBBBs)) {
              // Remove each related BBB entity
              foreach ($relatedBBBs as $bbbEntity) {
      Web Dev


      • zerosix
        zerosix commented
        Editing a comment
        thank you so much rabii, i tried it it's giving me error 500

      • rabii
        rabii commented
        Editing a comment
        share your code to verify it, also check what error in the log.

      • zerosix
        zerosix commented
        Editing a comment
        thank you rabii, i have just posted the code+error log,
    • zerosix
      • Jan 2024
      • 45

      Thank you Rabii, the code is
      PHP Code:
      namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\AAA;
      use Espo\Core\Hook\Hook\AfterRemove;
      use Espo\ORM\Entity;
      use Espo\ORM\EntityManager;
      use Espo\ORM\Repository\Option\RemoveOptions;
       * @implements AfterRemove<AAA>
      class RemoveBEntities implements AfterRemove
          public static $order = 10;
          public function __construct(private EntityManager $entityManager) {}
          public function afterRemove(Entity $entity, RemoveOptions $options): void
              $relatedBBBs = $this->entityManager
                              'aAAId' => $entity->getId()
              if (!count($relatedBBBs)) {
              // Remove each related BBB entity
              foreach ($relatedBBBs as $bbbEntity) {
      and the error is
      PHP Code:
      [2024-03-07 09:51:43] ERROR: JobTask: Failed to run job '65e98e2f597bbd10d'. Error: get_class_methods(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be an object or a valid class name, string given  
      [2024-03-07 09:51:43] ERROR: JobTask: Failed to run job '65e98e2f58fc36b00'. Error: get_class_methods(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be an object or a valid class name, string given  
      [2024-03-07 09:51:43] ERROR: JobTask: Failed to run job '65e98e2f5a2f5734c'. Error: get_class_methods(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be an object or a valid class name, string given  
      [2024-03-07 09:51:47] ERROR: Slim Application Error Type: TypeError Code: 0 Message: get_class_methods(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be an object or a valid class name, string given File: /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/HookManager.php Line: 210 Trace: #0 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/HookManager.php(210): get_class_methods('Espo\\Custom\\Hoo...') #1 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/HookManager.php(157): Espo\Core\HookManager->readHookData('custom/Espo/Cus...') #2 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/HookManager.php(102): Espo\Core\HookManager->loadHooks() #3 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Repositories/Database.php(298): Espo\Core\HookManager->process('AAA', 'beforeSave', Object(Espo\Core\Templates\Entities\Base), Array) #4 /var/www/html/application/Espo/ORM/Repository/RDBRepository.php(139): Espo\Core\Repositories\Database->beforeSave(Object(Espo\Core\Templates\Entities\Base), Array) #5 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Repositories/Database.php(136): Espo\ORM\Repository\RDBRepository->save(Object(Espo\Core\Templates\Entities\Base), Array) #6 /var/www/html/application/Espo/ORM/EntityManager.php(244): Espo\Core\Repositories\Database->save(Object(Espo\Core\Templates\Entities\Base), Array) #7 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Record/Service.php(751): Espo\ORM\EntityManager->saveEntity(Object(Espo\Core\Templates\Entities\Base), Array) #8 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Controllers/RecordBase.php(181): Espo\Core\Record\Service->create(Object(stdClass), Object(Espo\Core\Record\CreateParams)) #9 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Api/ControllerActionProcessor.php(87): Espo\Core\Controllers\RecordBase->postActionCreate(Object(Espo\Core\Api\RequestWrapper), Object(Espo\Core\Api\ResponseWrapper)) #10 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Api/ControllerActionHandler.php(69): Espo\Core\Api\ControllerActionProcessor->process('AAA', 'create', Object(Espo\Core\Api\RequestWrapper), Object(Espo\Core\Api\ResponseWrapper)) #11 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareDispatcher.php(65): Espo\Core\Api\ControllerActionHandler->handle(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #12 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Api/RouteProcessor.php(222): Slim\MiddlewareDispatcher->handle(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #13 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Api/RouteProcessor.php(149): Espo\Core\Api\RouteProcessor->processControllerAction(Object(Espo\Core\Api\ProcessData), Object(Slim\Psr7\Request), Object(Espo\Core\Api\ResponseWrapper)) #14 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Api/RouteProcessor.php(127): Espo\Core\Api\RouteProcessor->processAfterAuth(Object(Espo\Core\Api\ProcessData), Object(Slim\Psr7\Request), Object(Espo\Core\Api\ResponseWrapper)) #15 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Api/RouteProcessor.php(79): Espo\Core\Api\RouteProcessor->processInternal(Object(Espo\Core\Api\ProcessData), Object(Slim\Psr7\Request), Object(Espo\Core\Api\RequestWrapper), Object(Espo\Core\Api\ResponseWrapper)) #16 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Api/Starter.php(109): Espo\Core\Api\RouteProcessor->process(Object(Espo\Core\Api\ProcessData), Object(Slim\Psr7\Request), Object(Slim\Psr7\Response)) #17 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Handlers/Strategies/RequestResponse.php(38): Espo\Core\Api\Starter->Espo\Core\Api\{closure}(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request), Object(Slim\Psr7\Response), Array) #18 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Routing/Route.php(358): Slim\Handlers\Strategies\RequestResponse->__invoke(Object(Closure), Object(Slim\Psr7\Request), Object(Slim\Psr7\Response), Array) #19 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareDispatcher.php(65): Slim\Routing\Route->handle(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #20 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareDispatcher.php(65): Slim\MiddlewareDispatcher->handle(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #21 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Routing/Route.php(315): Slim\MiddlewareDispatcher->handle(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #22 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Routing/RouteRunner.php(68): Slim\Routing\Route->run(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #23 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Middleware/RoutingMiddleware.php(45): Slim\Routing\RouteRunner->handle(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #24 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareDispatcher.php(121): Slim\Middleware\RoutingMiddleware->process(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request), Object(Slim\Routing\RouteRunner)) #25 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Middleware/ErrorMiddleware.php(76): Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface@anonymous->handle(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #26 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareDispatcher.php(121): Slim\Middleware\ErrorMiddleware->process(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request), Object(Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface@anonymous)) #27 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareDispatcher.php(65): Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface@anonymous->handle(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #28 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(199): Slim\MiddlewareDispatcher->handle(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #29 /var/www/html/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(183): Slim\App->handle(Object(Slim\Psr7\Request)) #30 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Api/Starter.php(76): Slim\App->run() #31 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/ApplicationRunners/Api.php(45): Espo\Core\Api\Starter->start() #32 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Application/RunnerRunner.php(84): Espo\Core\ApplicationRunners\Api->run() #33 /var/www/html/application/Espo/Core/Application.php(78): Espo\Core\Application\RunnerRunner->run('Espo\\Core\\Appli...', NULL) #34 /var/www/html/public/api/v1/index.php(35): Espo\Core\Application->run('Espo\\Core\\Appli...') #35 {main} Tips: To display error details in HTTP response set "displayErrorDetails" to true in the ErrorHandler constructor.  


      • rabii
        Active Community Member
        • Jun 2016
        • 1250

        mate, you have to change the names to the correct name of your entities.

        what are the names of the your entities ? you can find the correct name under administration > entity manager > your entity
        Web Dev


        • zerosix
          zerosix commented
          Editing a comment
          I know chef, the names are AAA and BBB (entities for test)

        • rabii
          rabii commented
          Editing a comment
          It can't be (the name of entities is capitalised e.g Account - Contact etc) so the name can't be AAA and BBB - it should be Aaa and Bbb
      • rabii
        Active Community Member
        • Jun 2016
        • 1250

        the error manfest this properly (Error: get_class_methods(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be an object or a valid class name, string given) retrieving a class AAA doesn't work because there is no class called AAA
        Web Dev


        • zerosix
          zerosix commented
          Editing a comment
          so Why this code is working:

          namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\AAA;

          use Espo\Core\Hook\Hook\AfterRemove;

          use Espo\ORM\Entity;
          use Espo\ORM\EntityManager;
          use Espo\ORM\Repository\Option\RemoveOptions;

          * @implements AfterRemove<AAA>
          class RemoveBEntities implements AfterRemove
          public static $order = 10;

          public function __construct(private EntityManager $entityManager) {}

          public function afterRemove(Entity $entity, RemoveOptions $options): void
          $relatedBBBs = $this->entityManager
          'aAAId' => $entity->getId()
          if (!count($relatedBBBs)) {

          // Remove each related BBB entity
          foreach ($relatedBBBs as $bbbEntity) {

        • rabii
          rabii commented
          Editing a comment
          it is the same code. not sure what you mean

        • zerosix
          zerosix commented
          Editing a comment
          yes it's working , i am so sorry????, i was confused
      • AlessioMa
        Junior Member
        • May 2024
        • 27

        Hi everyone
        How can I delete an entity from a many-to-one relationship?

