Referencing an entry point to display an image in a template as <img src='?entryPoint=image&id={{any image id}}'/> works perfectly when accessing Espo as a normal user, but when accessing from a portal the image doesn't display.
I traced the problem and it seems that the system prepends the substring 'portal/' to the path references, so instead of 'data/upload' the path is specified as 'portal/data/upload' thus images fail to display.
I am trying to solve this for images by cleaning up the 'portal/data/upload' after the fact, but think that it would be best if the system files could account for the type of access (normal vs portal) when determining path names.
I traced the problem and it seems that the system prepends the substring 'portal/' to the path references, so instead of 'data/upload' the path is specified as 'portal/data/upload' thus images fail to display.
I am trying to solve this for images by cleaning up the 'portal/data/upload' after the fact, but think that it would be best if the system files could account for the type of access (normal vs portal) when determining path names.