Number auto-increment is not working for my customized extension.

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  • brianpunzalan
    Active Community Member
    • Aug 2017
    • 62

    Number auto-increment is not working for my customized extension.


    Good day!

    I have encountered an issue where the "Number" field is not incrementing after i install my own extension with an Entity with "Number" field.

    under entityDefs > {entity}.json

    "fields": {
    "numberID": {
    "type": "number",
    "len": 36,
    "notNull": false,
    "unique": false,
    "nextNumber": 1,
    "padLength": 6,
    "prefix": "PRE-",
    "tooltip": false,
    "isCustom": true

    After installing the extension, this is not working. (I copied the code, generated from Custom when I try to test in a seperate environment and push it to my extension)

    But, it works after I update something on the field through "Entity Manager" like the "padLength" this change has been pushed to the Custom, and after that it works.

    To replicate the issue:

    1. Create extension with entity and has field "Number (auto-increment)"
    2. Upload extension and install.
    3. Create data for entity and check if it would increment.
    4. Value is none. Not incremented.
    5. Go to Entity Manager, and update the field (ex. padLength) and save.
    6. Create data again for entity and check if it would increment.
    7. Value is now PRE-000001. Incremented.
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8657


    I think you need to add AfterInstall and AfterUninstall scripts to your extension:

    Check what code is executed when you add number field via Entity Manager:
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    • brianpunzalan
      Active Community Member
      • Aug 2017
      • 62

      Thanks! I'll check how to do this.

