Hi, I configured SMTP with my server info and also an IMAP account. On the admin page I clicked the "test connection" button and it reports that it was succesful. Next, I clicked "send test mail" and this mail also gets sent successfully. I also receive the test mail correctly. Emails also get imported correctly, both sent and received mails.
Then, when I go to a contact and compose an email and click "send", it doesn't work! I get the following message:
Next, when I check the data/logs/LOGFILE-of-today
What could be the problem? Sending test mails works, but not sending a mail via the contact>compose function...
PS I removed some data for privacy reasons.
Then, when I go to a contact and compose an email and click "send", it doesn't work! I get the following message:
error 500: incorrect authentication data
[2016-08-26 22:24:09] Espo.ERROR: API [POST]:/:controller, Params:Array ( [controller] => Email ) , InputData: {"status":"Sending","to":"info@b.......m","nameHas h":{"info@b.......m":"Test Person"},"isRead":true,"isImportant":false,"inTras h":false,"folderId":false,"isUsers":false,"isHtml" :true,"isSystem":false,"isJustSent":false,"assigne dUserId":"1","assignedUserName":"My Name","attachmentsIds":[],"attachmentsNames":{},"attachmentsTypes":{},"body ":"<p><br></p><br><p><br></p><p>Kind regards,<br>My Name again<br></p>","subject":"this is the subject","from":"info@b...........e","cc":"","bcc" :"","parentType":"Account","parentName":null,"pare ntId":null,"selectTemplateName":null,"selectTempla teId":null,"bodyPlain":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKind regards,\nMy Name again\n\n\n"} - Incorrect authentication data [] []
[2016-08-26 22:24:09] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: Incorrect authentication data , Code: 500 URL: /api/v1/Email [] []
[2016-08-26 22:24:09] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: Incorrect authentication data , Code: 500 URL: /api/v1/Email [] []
