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I think i already pointed the file which can be an inspiration to you. You have to create new file, for your entity, then you have to remove current panel... -
esforim i don't think so? We're using object/json formulas in workflows, when submission from any of our forms comes to Espo. I think it was added in...Leave a comment:
You have to create new file like this in proper place and then link it in clientDefs. Then you have to clear cache and it should work. You shouldn't modify...Leave a comment:
Hello danielle
it'll probably require some coding. Here you can check how devs extended task panel for user entity:
espocrm/client/modules/crm/src/views/user/record/panels/tasks.js...Last edited by emillod; 09-10-2024, 07:55 PM.Leave a comment:
tarektoubia It’s definitely possible to code!
Feel free to give it a try on your own, if you have the skills, it shouldn’t be an issue. However,...Leave a comment:
Hello rahulmittal2099
If you're using portal users, then maybe you can assign portal user contact to each opportunity? Thanks to this you should...Leave a comment:
You can check this hook:
espocrm/application/Espo/Modules/Crm/Hooks/Account/Contacts.phpLeave a comment:
Hello alohatech
Here you have a list of hooks: Hooks - EspoCRM Documentation
Based on the description afterUnrelate seems the b...Leave a comment:
Hello dragos.grosu
That's because the relation allows linking only one property. I'm not sure whether the relation was created by the extension's...Leave a comment:
Hello PavelZ
that require ACL customization, to hide Cases which are not public. Thanks to this, these lists will not be visible to Portal User....Leave a comment:
- I don't understand, please elaborate
- If you'd like to specify mandatory settings, it can be done only in entity manager, based on user or
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Akenateb if you'd like to receive more adjusted solution, please provide more details, because your description is too generic.
From my perspective,...Leave a comment:
Hello mbrands
what's a valuta value? I think you should consider creating formula which will work after field c or d will be changed and then you...Leave a comment:
Hello mdai
I suggest to play with formula sandbox tool. I think you're using quotes and sales orders in wrong order. Sales Orders should be created...Leave a comment:
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