I can help.
You can reach me on Skype: cis.am4 or Email: Hayden@cisinlabs.com so that we can discuss this further.
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additional columns in a middle table - make them usable!
I think we could try to finish this task for you today/tomorrow. Please contact me through email contact@devcrm.it
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additional columns in a middle table - make them usable!
I have a middle table that connects a custom entity ("event") with contacts ("participants"). The participants appear as a list in the event entity.
The middle table has additional columns (that I already put in place using MySQL).
So the table looks like this:
event_id, participant_id, role, mode, note, deleted
Looking for someone who could render the additional columns (role, mode, note) visible and editable in a custom entity and in the bottom panels in the contacts. The role and mode are enums, the note is text or varchar. They should appear next to the name in the event entity. They should also be editable.
I need it fast (like by tonight).
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