Looking for developer to integrate EspoCrm into my School management system

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  • RamonaWalther
    I can help you with your requirement
    I have a programmer for you. Lives in Stuttgart
    What type of occupation he must have? Remote is considered? Where are you from?

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  • emillod
    commented on 's reply
    Thank you telecastg for reference.
    I see that you are also active on the forum and I hope that one day we will have the opportunity to build something together in EspoCRM

  • ram
    commented on 's reply
    I just sent you a message. Kindly provide your contact info there.

  • ram
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks. That seems to be very helpful!

  • ram
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks, I will certainly contact them!

  • eymen-elkum
    commented on 's reply
    Thank you for your reference

  • emillod
    We have experience with frameworks like codeigniter, smyonfy etc. I'll be more than happy to help you with integration of EspoCRM.
    Please let me know what do you need.

    You can read more about us on our website: https://devcrm.it

    Best regards

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  • esforim
    Off topic:
    I remember there is another Forum user that have a school system also. Search for "mentor" "student" and you can track down on who he is. He probably won't be able to provide you with Development but he might give you some insight on his experience.

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  • hayden39
    I can help you with your requirement please check pm

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  • telecastg

    Espo is a very flexible platform that has a great PHP backend so it should not be a problem to integrate with a codeigniter based system.

    I would recommend that you look for a professional developer that is truly familiar with Espo, to have a better probability of success, like emillod or eymen-elkum who are active participants in the forum and provide answers and assistance, thus proving that they have the knowledge and skills.
    Last edited by telecastg; 08-13-2020, 05:31 AM.

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  • Looking for developer to integrate EspoCrm into my School management system

    Hi there,

    We have a school management system and we would love to integrate Espo in it as a set of modules.

    Our system is based on codeigniter.