
We need a custom field-type like ARRAY, but a little bit more complex.
In Entity-Fields it must be addable to Contacts as many as needed.
Every field should have as many as needed elements. Every element need fields like: key, name, value, sorting. Field "name" should something like "date(D, dd.mm.YYY) + optional String". Field value can be simple Boolean.

Custom views for this fieldtype will be also needed for LIST, DETAIL and EDIT. In LIST-mode it sould be fine to have a 2-row table (upper row the (shortened) keys, lower row the values). In EDIT and DETAIL we would like to have a good looking detailed table.

Also the field sould be searchable / usable for filtering.

If you need more informations, feel free to contact me!

We await your price and time calculations!

Thanks in advance