It is fine now - I got htaccess in rc3 & amended according to instruction - I have a login problem, but Ill open a new post for it. Tx
mod_rewrite in Apache Server
It can be related with some problems of access to Espo API.
Please, open this URL http://<espo-url>/api/v1/Metadata. What HTTP status response do you get? 200, 401?
If you are using virtual hosts, make sure the conf file of virtual host has: AllowOverride All
Code:<VirtualHost *:80> ... <Directory ...> AllowOverride All </Directory> </VirtualHost>
Last edited by tarasm; 05-29-2014, 09:04 AM.Comment
Finally found the cause of the problem. Server had turned off .htaccess support.
So, to get mod_rewrite to work properly should be enabled mod_rewrite and .htaccess support.
To enable .htaccess support add/edit the Server configuration settings inside your <VirtualHost> section (httpd.conf):
Code:<Directory /PATH_TO_ESPO/> [B] AllowOverride All[/B] </Directory>
Code:service apache2 restart
To enable "mod_rewrite" run those commands in a Terminal:
Code:a2enmod rewrite service apache2 restart