Questions about manual update

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    • Feb 2019
    • 72

    Questions about manual update

    I started according to this guide: The two scripts have to be executed (point 4 in the instructions) and afterupgrade.php (point 10 in the instructions) if the folder (point 3 in the instructions) and copyafter (point 9 in the instructions) in the update -are not available? The script folder is available.

    I have now done the update from 7.3.4 to 7.4.6 manually. There was no copybore and copyefter folder in this update folder. Only the two scripts Beforeupgrade.php and afterupgrade.php. I didn't do these scripts. The manual update apparently worked.

    So far I have been able to use the system as normal. Or do I have to carry out the two scripts, regardless of the copy folder?

    Thank you
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8440

    Hi Rene,

    If you didn't execute BeforeUpgrade and AfterUpgrade something may work wrong. Depending on these scripts, what do they do. It may modify some custom entities. You can inspect these scripts and find out whether they are relevant for your instance.
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    • RSGRG
      • Feb 2019
      • 72

      Hi yuri,

      many thanks for the answer.​

      To the update Espocrm-Upgrade-7.4.6-to-7.5.6:

      The Before Script had the following content:​

      PHP Code:
      use Espo\Core\Container;
      use Espo\Entities\User;
      use Espo\ORM\EntityManager;
      use Espo\ORM\Query\DeleteBuilder;
      class BeforeUpgrade
          public function run(Container $container)
          private function deleteDeletedUsers(EntityManager $entityManager): void
              $query = DeleteBuilder::create()
                  ->where(['deleted' => true])

      And the after -upgrade has the following content:​

      PHP Code:
      use Espo\Core\Container;
      use Espo\Core\Templates\Entities\Event;
      use Espo\Core\Utils\File\Manager as FileManager;
      use Espo\Core\Utils\Json;
      use Espo\Core\Utils\Metadata;
      class AfterUpgrade
          public function run(Container $container): void
          private function updateEventMetadata(Metadata $metadata, FileManager $fileManager): void
              $defs = $metadata->get(['scopes']);
              $path1 = "application/Espo/Core/Templates/Metadata/Event/selectDefs.json";
              $contents1 = $fileManager->getContents($path1);
              $data1 = Json::decode($contents1, true);
              $primaryFilterClassNameMap = (object) $data1['primaryFilterClassNameMap'];
              foreach ($defs as $entityType => $item) {
                  $isCustom = $item['isCustom'] ?? false;
                  $type = $item['type'] ?? false;
                  if (!$isCustom || $type !== Event::TEMPLATE_TYPE) {
                  $data1 = $metadata->getCustom('selectDefs', $entityType) ?? (object) [];
                  $data1->primaryFilterClassNameMap = $primaryFilterClassNameMap;
                  $metadata->saveCustom('selectDefs', $entityType, $data1);
                  $data2 = $metadata->getCustom('scopes', $entityType) ?? (object) [];
                  $data2->completedStatusList = ['Held'];
                  $data2->canceledStatusList = ['Not Held'];
                  $metadata->saveCustom('scopes', $entityType, $data2);

      To the update ​EspoCRM-upgrade-7.3.4-to-7.4.6:
      The Before Script had the following content:​

      PHP Code:
      use Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error;
      use Espo\Core\Container;
      class BeforeUpgrade
          private ?Container $container = null;
          public function run(Container $container)
              $this->container = $container;
          private function processCheckExtensions(): void
              $errorMessageList = [];
              $this->processCheckExtension('Advanced Pack', '2.13.9', $errorMessageList);
              $this->processCheckExtension('Real Estate', '1.6.2', $errorMessageList);
              if (!count($errorMessageList)) {
              $message = implode("\n\n", $errorMessageList);
              throw new Error($message);
          private function processCheckExtension(string $name, string $minVersion, array &$errorMessageList): void
              $em = $this->container->get('entityManager');
              $extension = $em->getRDBRepository('Extension')
                      'name' => $name,
                      'isInstalled' => true,
              if (!$extension) {
              $version = $extension->get('version');
              if (version_compare($version, $minVersion, '>=')) {
              $message =
                  "EspoCRM 7.4 is not compatible with '{$name}' extension of versions lower than {$minVersion}. " .
                  "Please upgrade the extension or uninstall it.";
              $errorMessageList[] = $message;
      And the after -upgrade has the following content:​

      PHP Code:
      use Espo\Core\Container;
      use Espo\Core\Utils\Metadata;
      use Espo\Core\Templates\Entities\Event;
      class AfterUpgrade
          public function run(Container $container): void
          private function updateMetadata(Metadata $metadata): void
              $metadata->set('app', 'recordId', [
                  'length' => 24,
          private function fixParent(Metadata $metadata): void
              foreach ($metadata->get(['entityDefs']) as $scope => $defs) {
                  foreach ($metadata->get(['entityDefs', $scope, 'fields']) as $field => $fieldDefs) {
                      $custom = $metadata->getCustom('entityDefs', $scope);
                      if (!$custom) {
                      if (
                          ($fieldDefs['type'] ?? null) === 'linkParent' &&
                          ($fieldDefs['notStorable'] ?? false)
                      ) {
                          if ($custom?->fields?->$field?->notStorable) {
                              $metadata->delete('entityDefs', $scope, "fields.{$field}.notStorable");
          private function updateEventMetadata(Metadata $metadata): void
              $defs = $metadata->get(['scopes']);
              foreach ($defs as $entityType => $item) {
                  $isCustom = $item['isCustom'] ?? false;
                  $type = $item['type'] ?? false;
                  if (!$isCustom || $type !== Event::TEMPLATE_TYPE) {
                  if (!is_string($metadata->get(['entityDefs', $entityType, 'fields', 'duration', 'select']))) {
                  $metadata->delete('entityDefs', $entityType, 'fields.duration.orderBy');
                  $metadata->set('entityDefs', $entityType, [
                      'fields' => [
                          'duration' => [
                              'select' => [
                                  'select' => "TIMESTAMPDIFF_SECOND:(dateStart, dateEnd)"
                              'order' => [
                                  'order' => [["TIMESTAMPDIFF_SECOND:(dateStart, dateEnd)", "{direction}"]]
      I don't know whether this is relevant to me or not. How can I find out?

      Best regards​


      • RSGRG
        • Feb 2019
        • 72

        Can I still carry out the before and after scripts?​

