install on custom port and AuthLogRecord

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  • item
    Active Community Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 1476

    install on custom port and AuthLogRecord

    it's just a basic question, who use espocrm on non default port ( other than 80 or 443) (of course 443 is default) ?
    i have just remark that :

    line +- : 590

    PHP Code:
    $requestUrl =
                $request->getUri()->getScheme() . '://' .
                $request->getUri()->getHost() .
            if (!$username && $user) {
                $username = $user->getUserName();
                ->setPortalId($this->isPortal() ? $this-
    don't take the port, so in AuthLogRecord, the port is missing.

    solution is add : $request->getUri()->getPort()

    but it's this important ? that is the question.
    for me not.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by item; 08-17-2023, 07:09 PM.
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