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Authentication Required

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  • Authentication Required

    I've got a 401 triggering a popup anytime my user info (I'm the admin) is needed on a page.

    This is a fresh install on a LAMP server with SSH.

    I am aware that this is a fairly common problem and has something to do with the server config most of the time. However, I'm not sure where to start.

    Attached is a PHP info dump.

    Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!

  • #2
    Please check if in your config file defined the following:
    <Directory PATH_TO_ESPOCRM>
        AllowOverride All
    It can be defined in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf or in your custom virtual host.
    Job Offers and Requests


    • #3
      I did some digging and I don't have that option available. I am hosting this on 1and1's servers. Is there another way around it?

      I have created a sub user that will allow you to see more. Let me know if you'd like to try it and I'll pm you with the login.


      • #4
        This is what shows up in the console

        GET http://root:***@***.com/crm/api/v1/ 401 (Unauthorized)(anonymous function) @ VM5715:409handleProcess @ VM5715:418(anonymous function) @ VM5715:425(anonymous function) @ espo.min.js?r=1443614859674:5(anonymous function) @ espo.min.js?r=1443614859674:4_ @ espo.min.js?r=1443614859674:5m @ espo.min.js?r=1443614859674:5f @ espo.min.js?r=1443614859674:5l.trigger @ espo.min.js?r=1443614859674:5$.ajax.success @ VM5720:126j @ espo.min.js?r=1443614859674:3k.fireWith @ espo.min.js?r=1443614859674:3x @ espo.min.js?r=1443614859674:4(anonymous function) @ espo.min.js?r=1443614859674:4
        GET http://****.com/crm/?entryPoint=avatar&size=small&id=1&t=1445285484075 401 (Unauthorized)
        The first GET request error shows up on page load, the second after the authentication required dialog is is related to the avatar.


        • #5
          Found the problem. FastCGI does not support HTTP AUTH by the default.
          The solution is add to the Virtual Host the following code:
          For fcgid module:
          <IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
            FcgidPassHeader Authorization
            FcgidPassHeader Proxy-Authorization
            FcgidPassHeader HTTP_AUTHORIZATION  
          For fastcgi module:
          <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
             FastCgiConfig -pass-header Authorization \
                                  -pass-header Proxy-Authorization \
                                  -pass-header HTTP_AUTHORIZATION  
          To check which module apache is currently uses, run this command and find the module:
          apache2ctl -M
          Job Offers and Requests


          • #6
            I don't have root access. I am on a shared hosting server.

            Is there a workaround?


            • #7
              Would setting EspoCRM's Administration>Authentication Method to LDAP help here? I know next to nothing about it, much less configuring it.


              • #8
                LDAP is not what you need.


                • #9
                  Please ask your hosting support to enable the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION.
                  Job Offers and Requests


                  • #10
                    I'm getting this error on 4.2.5 and although the server is running mod_cgi, and auth_basic is also biult into the compile: as below...

                    Any ideas why this error might be occurring?

                    Loaded Modules:
                    core_module (static)
                    so_module (static)
                    http_module (static)
                    mpm_prefork_module (shared)
                    cgi_module (shared)
                    access_compat_module (shared)
                    actions_module (shared)
                    alias_module (shared)
                    auth_basic_module (shared)
                    authn_core_module (shared)
                    authn_file_module (shared)
                    authz_core_module (shared)
                    authz_groupfile_module (shared)
                    authz_host_module (shared)
                    authz_user_module (shared)
                    autoindex_module (shared)
                    dav_module (shared)
                    deflate_module (shared)
                    dir_module (shared)
                    expires_module (shared)
                    filter_module (shared)
                    headers_module (shared)
                    imagemap_module (shared)
                    include_module (shared)
                    log_config_module (shared)
                    logio_module (shared)
                    mime_module (shared)
                    negotiation_module (shared)
                    proxy_module (shared)
                    proxy_fcgi_module (shared)
                    proxy_http_module (shared)
                    rewrite_module (shared)
                    setenvif_module (shared)
                    slotmem_shm_module (shared)
                    socache_dbm_module (shared)
                    socache_shmcb_module (shared)
                    status_module (shared)
                    unique_id_module (shared)
                    unixd_module (shared)
                    userdir_module (shared)
                    ssl_module (shared)
                    bwlimited_module (shared)
                    security2_module (shared)
                    ruid2_module (shared)

