Import Error after importing 1023 records

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  • ctheuring
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2022
    • 138

    Import Error after importing 1023 records

    1. I'm trying to import a table with 43,000 records from a csv-file to a new, own created table.
    After imported 1023 rcords the imports stops with a error 500
    Uploading finished well, than starting import.
    What's the matter?
    php max_execution_time and memory_limit are expanded
    Other parameters to tune?

    2. if I use predefined fields like tel-numer there's allways a compare error. Where can I change the check of the allowed data-format and posible change it (i.e. allow fields with "" or NULL)?

    Christoph Theuring
  • shalmaxb
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 1638

    This might probably happen, because one record is not formatted correctly. As it stops on number 1023/1024 have a look there. Is there anything different as in the records before?
    CSV files may have mistakes because of missing input in the original record, wrong character etc. etc.
    With 43000 records it is not unusual, taht this happens.

    Perhaps this might help:
    Last edited by shalmaxb; 10-18-2022, 12:07 PM.


    • ctheuring
      ctheuring commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks - I will look at wrong characters etc.
