v7.2 login popup issue

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  • migrator
    Got this solved on my side finally. Explained on GitHub: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/issues/2726

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  • migrator
    yuri I went through this in extreme detail and am still looking at it now. I wrote it up in a new issue since out-of-the-box the docker implementation used with nginx seems to have this issue: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/issues/2726

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  • migrator
    Excellent, thank you yuri , I will pass through all those headers as well and follow up. I appreciate your time.

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  • yuri
    commented on 's reply
    You might also need to add all headers: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/b...on.php#L69-L73

  • yuri
    Is Espo-Authorization being passed? You can check with code:

    It should print it to the log file.

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  • migrator
    Pardon the additional question on this yuri, but this does not seem to have any affect:

    location / {
      include proxy_params;
      proxy_http_version 1.1;
      proxy_pass_header HTTP-Authorization;
      proxy_pass_header Espo-Authorization;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
    What we are seeing is that after every successful login, upon logout, there cannot be another login without first clearing the local cache on the browser.​

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  • migrator
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	330
Size:	83.8 KB
ID:	91024

    Are there more headers that need to be passed other than those, on a proxy level?

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  • migrator
    Ah wait, can be easily patched up with a change to `nginx` configuration on the virtual host versus having to alter the container recipe.

    Thanks for the heads up yuri

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  • migrator
    It seems this also happens with the `docker` implementation. Anyone else seeing it with `docker`?

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  • dev77
    commented on 's reply
    I updated my test system on the shared server AND my production backup version AND the production EspoCRM (both on a Linode VPs) to 7.2.2 and everything is working just fine. Thanks for getting this all sorted out for us.

  • dev77
    commented on 's reply
    1. Until now I never had a problem running my test Espo on my shared server. My production stuff is on a Linode (shared) VPS running Ubuntu 20.04. (I could get a dedicated VPS for a few dollars more but I don't have the traffic to warrant it.) I don't want to run my own mail server so I send all mail traffic via an MX/DNS record to the Pair.com server where I also run some test versions of other apps I use... like Espo and Piwigo.com and a couple of others.

    2. If you will give me the code to run to send an authentication header I will happily enter it and run it for you. I'm a pretty good PHP applications coder but I'm not a systems guy like you. The closest I get to systems work is writing and reading to a mySQL database!

    3. I see that 7.2.2 is out and I'll try that later this morning. It is 5:40 PM Ukraine time so I'll get it done before you go to bed, I'm sure.
    Last edited by dev77; 09-12-2022, 02:45 PM.

  • yuri
    commented on 's reply
    Try sending some custom header (e.g. 'Espo-Authentication') in a request and see whether it's available on your webserver from PHP.

  • yuri
    commented on 's reply
    Misconfigured for Espo. I wouldn't recommend using any shared hosting service to host a CRM application. It's more complex thing than a website.

  • dev77
    commented on 's reply
    OK, thanks so much. One thing I'd say is that https://pair.com is not one of the cheap ISPs in the USA. Actually they are several dollars a month higher because they offer such good service. They have been around for 25 years now. I've been with them for 20 of those years. I'll be happy to ask them about the stripping of the header if you send me the question(s) to ask as I'm not sure why you mean about the authorization headers. I doubt the server is misconfigured but if you tell me what to tell them I'll happily do it.
    Last edited by dev77; 09-11-2022, 05:38 PM.

  • yuri
    This issue most likely will happen on cheap hosting providers or misconfigured web servers. I will enable the fallback logic in the v7.2.1 so that cookies will be used for such cases.

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