Email error- 500 error can't complete sockets

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  • financegirls
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2015
    • 1

    Email error- 500 error can't complete sockets

    I just installed EspoCRM on our server. I've tried to do it a few times and it says it installed fine, but I can't access email. I keep getting a 500 can't complete sockets error. Do you know what is causing this? Everything else works fine but ideally i would like to be able to email clients from the program.

  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8624

    I think you should contact your hosting provider to enable socket functions.
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • Alex
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2015
      • 1

      Almost same problem, but I got only 500 during email test:

      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function Zend\Mail\Header\iconv_mime_decode() in /www/crm/vendor/zendframework/zend-mail/src/Header/HeaderWrap.php on line 106
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP   1. {main}() /www/crm/api/v1/index.php:0
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP   2. Espo\Core\Application->run($name = *uninitialized*) /www/crm/api/v1/index.php:26
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP   3. Espo\Core\Utils\Api\Slim->run() /www/crm/application/Espo/Core/Application.php:83
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP   4. Espo\Core\Utils\Api\Auth->call() /www/crm/application/Espo/Core/Utils/Api/Slim.php:45
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP   5. Slim\Middleware\MethodOverride->call() /www/crm/application/Espo/Core/Utils/Api/Auth.php:95
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP   6. Slim\Middleware\Flash->call() /www/crm/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Middleware/MethodOverride.php:92
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP   7. Slim\Slim->call() /www/crm/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Middleware/Flash.php:85
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP   8. Slim\Slim->applyHook($name = 'slim.before.dispatch', $hookArg = *uninitialized*) /www/crm
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP   9. call_user_func:{/www/crm/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Slim.php:1175}(class Closure {  }, NULL) /
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  10. Espo\Core\Application->Espo\Core\{closure}(NULL) /www/crm/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Slim.php:1175
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  11. Espo\Core\ControllerManager->process($controllerName = 'Email', $actionName = 'sendTestEmail', $params = array ('controller' => 'Email', 'action' => 'sendTestEmail'), $data = '{"server":"","port":"25","a
      uth":false,"security":"","username":"","password":null,"fromName":"CRM Info","fromAddress":"","type":"outbound
      Email","emailAddress":""}', $request = class Slim\Http\Request { protected $env = class Slim\Environment { pro
      tected $properties = array (...) }; public $headers = class Slim\Http\Headers { protected $data = array (...) }; public $cook
      ies = class Slim\Helper\Set { protected $data = array (...) } }) /www/crm/application/Espo/Core/Application.php:216
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  12. Espo\Controllers\Email->actionSendTestEmail($params = array ('controller' => 'Email', 'ac
      tion' => 'sendTestEmail'), $data = array ('server' => '', 'port' => '25', 'auth' => FALSE, 'security' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => NULL, 'fromName' => 'CRM Info', 'fromAddress' => '', 'type' => 'outboundEmail', 'emailAddress' => ''), $request = class Slim\Http\Request { protected $env = class Slim\Environment { protected $properties = array (...) }; public $headers = class Slim\Http\Headers { protected $data = array (...) }; public $cookies = class Slim\Helper\Set { protected $data = array (...) } }) /www/crm/application/Espo/Core/ControllerManager.php:109
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  13. Espo\Services\Email->sendTestEmail($data = array ('server' => '', 'port' => '25', 'auth' => FALSE, 'security' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'fromName' => 'CRM Info', 'fromAddress' => '', 'type' => 'outboundEmail', 'emailAddress' => '')) /www/crm/application/Espo/Controllers/Email.php:63
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  14. Espo\Core\Mail\Sender->send($email = class Espo\Entities\Email { public $id = NULL; private ${Espo\ORM\Entity}:isNew = TRUE; private ${Espo\ORM\Entity}:isSaved = FALSE; protected $entityType = 'Email'; public $fields = array ('id' => array (...), 'name' => array (...), 'deleted' => array (...), 'subject' => array (...), 'fromName' => array (...), 'fromString' => array (...), 'replyToString' => array (...), 'from' => array (...), 'to' => array (...), 'cc' => array (...), 'bcc' => array (...), 'personStringData' => array (...), 'isRead' => array (...), 'nameHash' => array (...), 'typeHash' => array (...), 'idHash' => array (...), 'messageId' => array (...), 'messageIdInternal' => array (...), 'emailAddress' => array (...), 'bodyPlain' => array (...), 'body' => array (...), 'isHtml' => array (...), 'status' => array (...), 'dateSent' => array (...), 'deliveryDate' => array (...), 'createdAt' => array (...), 'modifiedAt' => array (...), 'fromEmailAddressId' => array (...), 'fromEmailAddressName' => array (...), 'toEmailAddressesIds' => array (...), 'toEmailAddressesNames' => array (...), 'ccEmailAddressesIds' => array (...), 'ccEmailAddressesNames' => array (...), 'attachmentsIds' => array (...), 'attachmentsNames' => array (...), 'parentId' => array (...), 'parentType' => array (...), 'parentName' => array (...), 'createdById' => array (...), 'createdByName' => array (...), 'modifiedById' => array (...), 'modifiedByName' => array (...), 'assignedUserId' => array (...), 'assignedUserName' => array (...), 'teamsIds' => array (...), 'teamsNames' => array (...), 'usersIds' => array (...), 'usersNames' => array (...), 'accountId' => array (...), 'accountName' => array (...), 'bccEmailAddressesIds' => array (...), 'bccEmailAddressesNames' => array (...), 'attachmentsTypes' => array (...)); public $relations = array ('account' => array (...), 'bccEmailAddresses' => array (...), 'ccEmailAddresses' => array (...), 'toEmailAddresses' => array
      (...), 'fromEmailAddress' => array (...), 'parent' => array (...), 'attachments' => array (...), 'users' => array (...), 'teams' => array (...), 'assignedUser' => array (...), 'modifiedBy' => array (...), 'createdBy' => array (...)); protected $valuesContainer = array ('deleted' => FALSE, 'isRead' => TRUE, 'isHtml' => FALSE, 'status' => 'Archived', 'name' => 'EspoCRM: Test Email', 'to' => ''); protected $fetchedValuesContainer = array (); protected $entityManager = class Espo\Core\ORM\EntityManager { protected $espoMetadata = class Espo\Core\Utils\Metadata { ... }; private $hookManager = class Espo\Core\HookManager { ... }; protected $user = class Espo\Entities\User { ... }; protected $container = class Espo\Core\Container { ... }; private $repositoryClassNameHash = array (...); private $entityClassNameHash = array (...); protected $pdo = class PDO { ... }; protected $entityFactory = class Espo\ORM\EntityFactory { ... }; protected $repositoryFactory = class Espo\Core\ORM\RepositoryFactory { ... }; protected $mappers = array (...); protected $metadata = class Espo\ORM\Metadata { ... }; protected $repositoryHash = array (...); protected $params = array (...); protected $query = class Espo\ORM\DB\Query\Mysql { ... }; protected $driverPlatformMap = array (...) }; protected $isFetched = FALSE }, $params = *uninitialized*, $message = *uninitialized*) /www/crm/application/Espo/Services/Email.php:444
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  15. Zend\Mail\Message->addFrom($emailOrAddressOrList = '', $name = 'CRM Info') /www/crm/application/Espo/Core/Mail/Sender.php:164
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  16. Zend\Mail\Message->getFrom() /www/crm/vendor/zendframework/zend-mail/src/Message.php:129
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  17. Zend\Mail\Message->getAddressListFromHeader($headerName = 'from', $headerClass = 'Zend\\Mail\\Header\\From') /www/crm/vendor/zendframework/zend-mail/src/Message.php:141
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  18. Zend\Mail\Message->getHeaderByName($headerName = 'from', $headerClass = 'Zend\\Mail\\Header\\From') /www/crm/vendor/zendframework/zend-mail/src/Message.php:479
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  19. Zend\Mail\Message->getHeaders() /www/crm/vendor/zendframework/zend-mail/src/Message.php:446
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  20. Zend\Mail\Header\Date::fromString($headerLine = 'Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 20:17:24 +0000') /www/crm/vendor/zendframework/zend-mail/src/Message.php:101
      [20-Sep-2015 20:17:24 UTC] PHP  21. Zend\Mail\Header\HeaderWrap::mimeDecodeValue($value = 'Sun, 20 Sep 2015 20:17:24 +0000') /www/crm/vendor/zendframework/zend-mail/src/Header/Date.php:25
      The version is 3.6.2


      • yuri
        • Mar 2014
        • 8624


        You should enable
        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


        • todachuy2406
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2015
          • 2

          Same issue, I keep getting a 500 Permission Denied. Plz guide me to enable email function, so that I can send email on EspoCRM. Thanks

