Update failed - backup with DirectAdmin - Bad server response

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  • muwland
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2022
    • 3

    Update failed - backup with DirectAdmin - Bad server response

    Last weekend I want to update our company EspoCRM version 5.9.4 to 6.0.*. With the CLI window I used the upgrade command: php command.php upgrade
    Result: error .. i needed to change the mariadb engine to Inno.
    For more info I needed to check this link: https://www.espocrm.com/blog/convert...ine-to-innodb/
    So with the help of the script - fixed the error and tried to upgrade again.
    This time no error.. but the last sentence showed - installed version 5.9.4 -- so no error but it installed nothing new?

    After this result I opened the 'upgraded' Espocrm through the browser and the result was blank screen - nothing shows up.
    Looking some answers in this forum I found some advise, like the rebuild command, check if auth / acces is correct and so on.. nothing helped.

    So I restored the server with a premade backup with the function that DirectAdmin provides. Now I can login and open the CRM, and I can click on all the links accept the #TargetList page. Instant receive the message 'Bad server response'.

    * Also when I want to change data or make (for example) a new contact I get the same response: Bad server response.

    * Auth log - user refused because Invalid login details

    * The attachment - a sample of the latest logfile.

    * F12: error giving this:
    VM15:667 Bad server response:
    eval @ VM15:667
    VM15:667 Bad server response:
    eval @ VM15:667
    DevTools kan bronkaart niet laden: Kan content voor https://olplus.werkt.online/purify.min.js.map niet laden: HTTP-fout: statuscode 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
    DevTools kan bronkaart niet laden: Kan content voor https://olplus.werkt.online/gridstack.min.map niet laden: HTTP-fout: statuscode 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
    Attached Files
    Last edited by muwland; 01-26-2022, 03:26 PM.
  • muwland
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2022
    • 3

    Solved by removing all the data and started clean with restoring the files en SQL file.

