AWS S3 Documentation

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  • bradaks
    Active Community Member
    • Aug 2017
    • 251

    AWS S3 Documentation


    I have added the code snippet from Github but I am not sure how this new feature works. Has anyone played with this and/or have any experience with the new feature?

    We have added the data folders to the S3 bucket and pointed EspoCRM to it. How does it push and pull? Right now, we are getting 505 errors when going to any document. Loving the changes so far!
  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    Hi bradaks, not sure if the Github documentation is the same, but here it is for your reference:

    Perhaps post your config file (filter out any private info) and maybe someone can point you in a direction?


    • bradaks
      Active Community Member
      • Aug 2017
      • 251

      Good day,

      Here is what the config looks like:

      return [
      'defaultFileStorage' => 'AwsS3',
      'awsS3Storage' => [
      'bucketName' => 'portal-data-10-23',
      'path' => 'upload/',
      'credentials' => [
      'key' => '1',
      'secret' => '1',
      'region' => 'us-east-2',
      'database' => [
      'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
      'host' => '',
      'port' => '3306',
      'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
      'dbname' => '1',
      'user' => '1',
      'password' => '1'
      'logger' => [
      'path' => 'data/logs/espo.log',
      'level' => 'WARNING',
      'rotation' => true,
      'maxFileNumber' => 30,
      'printTrace' => false
      'restrictedMode' => false,
      'webSocketMessager' => 'ZeroMQ',
      'isInstalled' => true,
      'microtimeInternal' => 1111,
      'passwordSalt' => '1111',
      'cryptKey' => '1111',
      'hashSecretKey' => '1111',
      'defaultPermissions' => [
      'user' => 1,
      'group' => 1
      'actualDatabaseType' => 'mariadb',
      'actualDatabaseVersion' => '10.3.31'
      No errors in the logs. The documents seem to create but nothing uploads into the S3 bucket.

      Thanks again!


      • item
        Active Community Member
        • Mar 2017
        • 1506


        Parameters need to be set in data/config-internal.php
        If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​


        • bradaks
          Active Community Member
          • Aug 2017
          • 251

          item It is set in the proper config file.


          • esforim
            Active Community Member
            • Jan 2020
            • 2205

            Look good to me from my non-coding eyes.

            > The documents seem to create but nothing uploads into the S3 bucket.

            What do you mean by this? What happen after upload? Can you download the file or it just create a record but the attachment is blank/empty/null?

            > 'path' => 'upload/',

            Can you also try leave that blank? So it will be in the 'parent' folder (?), or perhaps also try, /upload/ or \upload\ or upload\
            Sometime this / \ work for me for other usage.

            Also have you try looking at your browser console press F12 on keyboard, anything odd happen when you upload?

            Only few idea I can think of that could help dig the problem. Perhaps reporting it as a bug if you keep try various method and it keep failing? Who know it might be a bug, or try pinging the Man himself.

            Also with your AWS, I'm not sure if they provide some logs/connection history, if it does, can you see if you can find EspoCRM trying to connect/upload file there? Or EspoCRM trying to access AWS
            Last edited by esforim; 10-26-2021, 01:18 AM.

