I upgraded
* espocrm --> 7.0.7
* Advanced Pack --> 2.8.7
Now I get "ERROR 500: order value is bad" from the "Workflow User Tasks" dashlet.
I tried to remove the dashlet and insert it again but that did not change anything.
The request done by the dashlet is:
* espocrm --> 7.0.7
* Advanced Pack --> 2.8.7
Now I get "ERROR 500: order value is bad" from the "Workflow User Tasks" dashlet.
I tried to remove the dashlet and insert it again but that did not change anything.
ERROR: (0) order value is bad.; GET /BpmnUserTask; line: 354, file: /var/www/html/espocrm/application/Espo/Core/Select/SearchParams.php [] []