Hello, I suddenly do not have access (it is not 404, it is 403) anymore to some installations either on local server as well as in hosting. No hint in logfile, only this one in the Apache logs:
All installations run espoCRM 7.0.7. Other installations on the same servers run correctly.
I compared the htaccess file between running and not running installations and there is no difference. Folder permissions are all set as rquired.
Talked to my hoster as well and he cannot do anything.
[core:crit] (13)Permission denied: AH00529: [URL="https://main.bitpalast.net:8443/smb/file-manager/code-editor?currentDir=%2Ftest.kunstservice.net%2Fvar%2Fwww%2Fvhosts%2Fkunstservice.net%2Ftest.kunstservice.net%2Fpublic&subscriptionId=45&file=.htaccess&redirect=%2Fsmb%2Flog-file%2Fbrowser%2Fid%2F525"]/var/www/vhosts/********************/public/.htaccess[/URL] pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable and that '/var/www/vhosts/kunstservice.net/test.kunstservice.net/public/' is executable, referer: [URL="https://test.kunstservice.net/"]https://****************/[/URL]
I compared the htaccess file between running and not running installations and there is no difference. Folder permissions are all set as rquired.
Talked to my hoster as well and he cannot do anything.