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Incoming e-mails are not displayed :-(

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  • Incoming e-mails are not displayed :-(

    Hello dear forum, I have installed the Open Source variant on my account, everything works, except for one option.

    I created a personal email account on a user. But it does not show the incoming e-mails. I then created the cron job on This runs the cron.php. However, it still does not show me incoming emails. If a second user writes me a mail within EspoCRM, it works immediately.

    Outbox also works fine.

    I would be glad to get some advice on what I am doing wrong.
    max_execution_time 30 Fehlgeschlagen (180 wird empfohlen)
    max_input_time 60 Fehlgeschlagen (180 wird empfohlen)
    memory_limit 64M Fehlgeschlagen (256M wird empfohlen)
    The system requests are all displayed as OK, except for three warnings. But these are certainly not responsible for the problem.

  • #2
    Please check an EspoCRM log


    • #3
      Hi, thanks for the link. My administration says that the scheduled jobs are not executed. But why only? I run them every minute via cron.php, don't I?

      Do I necessarily have to have terminal access?


      • esforim
        esforim commented
        Editing a comment
        Does no job get executed or only email?

    • #4
      So in the admin start page the error appears in picture 1. In picture two you can see the status of the jobs.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	 Views:	0 Size:	40.1 KB ID:	69786
      Click image for larger version  Name:	 Views:	0 Size:	41.1 KB ID:	69788

      I cannot reach my web server via the console, but can only control it via a web interface. However, the CRM manual states that the cron can only be started with the console. Can this be my problem? If so? How can I get around this?

      Click image for larger version

Views:	0
Size:	63.0 KB
ID:	69789
      Last edited by posti; 04-19-2021, 04:01 PM.


      • #5
        I've noticed that you configured to trigger the EspoCRM cron.php file via URL. As far as I am aware of you cannot run the cron.php file via UI. It should return to you this statement "Can be run only via CLI". So I assume that all scheduled jobs are not working on your system.
        Please check whether there is another way to configure the CRON for EspoCRM via the server's Admin panel. If not, then you need to ask your sysadmin to configure it manually


        • #6
          All right, I have spoken to my hoster about this, unfortunately he cannot implement such cronjobs in the shared hosting area.

          For this, a vServer must be used as a minimum. What a pity.


          • #7
            You might want to consider moving to a different host you have if they can't do CRON jobs. Based on my personal experience (albeit limited) both my Shared Hosting plan/server can do CRON jobs. When I did my research of which host to move, I don't see any "upgrade package to get access to CRON either", so it quite abnormal for the host to not allow CRON jobs.


            • #8
              Yes, normal CronJobs go without further ado with my hoster. Just those that can be executed as PHP. Until now, I only knew the type of cron jobs.

