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Cant edit user or setting after upgrade

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  • Cant edit user or setting after upgrade

    Hi just updated to the latest version of EsproCRM (6.1.5.) upgrade by CLI went smooth and everything seemed to work but it didn't.

    I just realized that i can not alter any data e.g.user information or other setting don't save
    As soon as I make any changes I see "Save" (or similar in English) on top of the page but its stuck there, it tries to save but no luck

    I have looked in the EsproCRM logs and apache logs but there are no any errors recorded !
    I have tried to add new record /user that works delete also works but when i try to alter any data like active/inactive or email address the problem described happens

    I have tried to rebuild/clear the cache but it didn't help.


  • #2
    What EspoCRM version did you use before the upgrade?
    If the logs are empty try to press the F12 button (dev tools panel) and make some data change in EspoCRM (reproduce the issue). After, check the 'Network' and the 'Console' tabs for possible error.


    • #3
      Hi , I had before 6.0.9 then updated to 6.0.10 and later from CLI made the update to 6.1.5, I will try your suggestion


      • #4
        I Console I see this:

        Resource Allocation Error: Error: Request failed with status 404 Source URL: Source mapping URL:


        • #5
          Could you provide a screenshot of this 404 error?
          Try to reproduce the issue in an incognito window. If it won't be reproduced then you need to clear a browser cache.


          • #6
            There some other problems too, see screenshot
            Attached Files


            • esforim
              esforim commented
              Editing a comment
              Purify and those other favicon, font error is normal and won't affect the system, from my experience. That espo.min.js error though, that might be an issue

          • #7
            Ok what can i do to fix this problem with espo.min.js ?


            • #8
              Yuri have make some change in User entity in +- these release.. (new field or change some field i think )
              certainly need a rebuild... try edit and save and then see log file.

              you can create a blank file at path/name and you will see there are no change in espoCrm


              • Maximus
                Maximus commented
                Editing a comment
                Nor me neither Yuri didn't encounter this issue. We didn't even hear about it either, except this topic.

            • #9
              item so should i wait for update by Yuri then ?


              • item
                item commented
                Editing a comment
                you need look and post "log file" content.
                try so :
                edit user (not inline) .. change something.. save..
                normaly a error must appaer as you say .. then post here log file.

                second try : inline edit .. same post log file here.

                and for other information : php version, mysql version, ..

            • #10
              item Hi , on my first post already said that there are no any lines in the errolog, nor in the espo or apache, its completely blank !

              System : PHP 7.3.27 MariaDB Db 10.4.18
              Thank you


              • #11
                it's not possible to not have any info in log file.
                when you upgrade, there are some log ?
                cron have many log..
                have you nothing in log ?


                • #12
                  This is the only error and this is because there are wrong password used for the mail (is for years now) and I dont think this has nothing do with my problem, here the log:

                  [2021-04-04 23:59:05] ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [606a528b25128d22e]. Error Details: Job CheckEmailAccounts 5de67c49aafe6c1b5: [0] cannot login, user or password wrong at /home/user/domains/ [] []

                  [2021-04-04 23:59:09] ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [606a528b2b0889469]. Error Details: Job CheckEmailAccounts 5e28a47e8e5e5a45e: [500] at /home/user/domains/ [] []


                  • #13
                    really hard to find so (yes your log above is other think).. without log or print-screen of error.
                    maybe mysql log ? but these kind of log are in espocrm.log file.
                    clear cache of your browser ?

                    look a sample error log :
                    [2021-04-07 21:38:01] Espo.ERROR: (42S22) SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'user.first_name' in 'where clause'; GET /api/v1/AuthToken?select=userId%2CuserName%2CisActive%2Cip Address%2CcreatedAt%2ClastAccess&maxSize=25&offset =0&orderBy=lastAccess&order=desc&where%5B0%5D%5Bty pe%5D=textFilter&where%5B0%5D%5Bvalue%5D=ma; line: 165, file: /home/crm/public_html/application/Espo/ORM/DB/

                    And it's for AuthToken for my case (ps : it's old version )

