I can't upgrade from client

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  • jorge@netcare.mx
    • Apr 2020
    • 35

    I can't upgrade from client


    I installed on my own server the CRM; the server has apache with PHP ver. 7.0.33 and 10.3.23-MariaDB

    When I try to upgrade from the CLI (I'm using Termius) I don't receive any alert or error message; it just is not upgrading; I'm doing from the web administrator (UI) but I see there can be some problems doing on this way; can somebody can help me in how to do or what to do in order to be able to upgrade from a client side?

    I've tried following the instructions on here:

  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    Hi Jorge, you should get some message (generic or feedback) if you using CLI. I think maybe you not in the right folder?

    Please check out this post of mine to see if it help: https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/inst...8510#post58510
    (there plenty of other better CLI tutorial guide out there you can also check out).

    Also as far as I'm aware, you might need to update your PHP version, I think 10.3 Maria is compatible (be check that again): https://docs.espocrm.com/administrat...configuration/


    • jorge@netcare.mx
      • Apr 2020
      • 35

      Sorry, I confused the PHP version, it is 7.3; you're right, with 7.0 the entire system crashes..
      About the upgrade from CLI side, I use Termius since is the Apple option; I have a virtual windows machine, so I'll try on it with putty; the the installation process is the same as the link you kindly shared to me.
      Will let you know.


      • jorge@netcare.mx
        • Apr 2020
        • 35


        Just to inform I'm still with the same problem; I tried with putty but no error received.

        Finally, I installed from the administration section into the system; is not the best option but will do until I know there is something more about this; I'm doing backups in the server in order to revert in case I receive any error.

        Thank you!


        • bradaks
          Active Community Member
          • Aug 2017
          • 251

          Folder/File Permissions?


          • jorge@netcare.mx
            • Apr 2020
            • 35

            I'm login with the root into the server.


            • Maximus
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2018
              • 2731

              Hi jorge@netcare.mx,
              Just a few tips:
              1. When you are upgrading the system from the CLI, it uses the CLI PHP version. You can find out what's the PHP version CLI uses by tunning the command: php -v
              2. When you are upgrading the system from the UI, it uses the webserver PHP version. You can simply find out what's the PHP version on your server by login to EspoCRM -> Administration -> System Requirements.

              > When I try to upgrade from the CLI (I'm using Termius) I don't receive any alert or error message;

              Have you investigated the log file? Please enable the DEBUG mode for logger https://docs.espocrm.com/administrat...e-for-a-logger -> then try to upgrade your system again -> investigate the EspoCRM log for the error description https://docs.espocrm.com/administrat...crm-error-logs.

              Please provide the following information:
              1. From what to what EspoCRM version do you try to upgrade?
              2. Wich command you are using to upgrade EspoCRM via CLI?

