Hi All,
After upgrade (5.8.4->5.8.5->5.9.3) i found that in new version when you create new entity, primary an foreign keys are created with different collation that was before.
Older one for keys was "utf8_unicode_ci", now it is utf8mb4_unicode_ci.
It is a big problem because when you join fields with different collation, index doesn't work or it converts, i don't know, but elementery report that needed less than second, now tooks more then 3 minutes.
i manually changed collation on newly created entity foreign key column to old colaation and everyting workes fine now. but i think it's a problem to change column collation manually. maybe it's better to update all old id colums to new collation, but to do it manually, it's not good idea. maybe you could provide some update or script that will change all id's to same collation?
After upgrade (5.8.4->5.8.5->5.9.3) i found that in new version when you create new entity, primary an foreign keys are created with different collation that was before.
Older one for keys was "utf8_unicode_ci", now it is utf8mb4_unicode_ci.
It is a big problem because when you join fields with different collation, index doesn't work or it converts, i don't know, but elementery report that needed less than second, now tooks more then 3 minutes.
i manually changed collation on newly created entity foreign key column to old colaation and everyting workes fine now. but i think it's a problem to change column collation manually. maybe it's better to update all old id colums to new collation, but to do it manually, it's not good idea. maybe you could provide some update or script that will change all id's to same collation?