Good Day,
I'm having problems after upgrade to 5.8.2 to print PDF templates, basically I'm getting a blank page- Now, I'm looking into the log files and it seems like is a folder permission related - it seems like the tmp folder is created outside the directory where Espo is installed.
Any Help its appreciated -- Thanks
I'm having problems after upgrade to 5.8.2 to print PDF templates, basically I'm getting a blank page- Now, I'm looking into the log files and it seems like is a folder permission related - it seems like the tmp folder is created outside the directory where Espo is installed.
[2020-02-18 16:27:53] Espo.WARNING: E_WARNING: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): [B](/public_html:/home/nyinsurance/tmp[/B]) {"code":2,"message":"is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/nyinsurance/web/","file":"/home/nyinsurance/web/","line":151,"context":{"php":"<?php use \\LightnCandy\\Runtime as LR;return function ($in = null, $options = null) {\n $helpers = array();\n $partials = array();\n $cx = array(\n 'flags' => array(\n 'jstrue' => true,\n 'jsobj' => true,\n 'jslen' => true,\n 'spvar' => true,\n 'prop' => false,\n 'method' => false,\n 'lambda' => false,\n 'mustlok' => false,\n 'mustlam' => false,\n 'mustsec' => false,\n 'echo' => false,\n 'partnc' => false,\n 'knohlp' => false,\n 'debug' => isset($options['debug']) ? $options['debug'] : 1,\n ),\n 'constants' => array(),\n 'helpers' => isset($options['helpers']) ? array_merge($helpers, $options['helpers']) : $helpers,\n 'partials' => isset($options['partials']) ? array_merge($partials, $options['partials']) : $partials,\n 'scopes' => array(),\n 'sp_vars' => isset($options['data']) ? array_merge(array('root' => $in), $options['data']) : array('root' => $in),\n 'blparam' => array(),\n 'partialid' => 0,\n 'runtime' => '\\LightnCandy\\Runtime',\n );\n \n $inary=is_array($in);\n return '<div style=\"text-align: center; \"><span style=\"font-size: 10px; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);\"><b>Questions About this Quote? Email us at</b></span></div>';\n}; ?>","tmpDir":"/tmp","delete":true}} [] [2020-02-18 16:27:53] Espo.WARNING: E_WARNING: include(): data:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0 {"code":2,"message":"include(): data:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0","file":"/home/nyinsurance/web/","line":171,"context":{"php":"<?php use \\LightnCandy\\Runtime as LR;return function ($in = null, $options = null) {\n $helpers = array();\n $partials = array();\n $cx = array(\n 'flags' => array(\n 'jstrue' => true,\n 'jsobj' => true,\n 'jslen' => true,\n 'spvar' => true,\n 'prop' => false,\n 'method' => false,\n 'lambda' => false,\n 'mustlok' => false,\n 'mustlam' => false,\n 'mustsec' => false,\n 'echo' => false,\n 'partnc' => false,\n 'knohlp' => false,\n 'debug' => isset($options['debug']) ? $options['debug'] : 1,\n ),\n 'constants' => array(),\n 'helpers' => isset($options['helpers']) ? array_merge($helpers, $options['helpers']) : $helpers,\n 'partials' => isset($options['partials']) ? array_merge($partials, $options['partials']) : $partials,\n 'scopes' => array(),\n 'sp_vars' => isset($options['data']) ? array_merge(array('root' => $in), $options['data']) : array('root' => $in),\n 'blparam' => array(),\n 'partialid' => 0,\n 'runtime' => '\\LightnCandy\\Runtime',\n );\n \n $inary=is_array($in);\n return '<div style=\"text-align: center; \"><span style=\"font-size: 10px; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);\"><b>Questions About this Quote? Email us at</b></span></div>';\n}; ?>","tmpDir":"/tmp","delete":true}} [] [2020-02-18 16:27:53] Espo.ERROR: Uncaught Exception Error: "Function name must be a string" at /home/nyinsurance/web/ line 575 {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Function name must be a string at /home/nyinsurance/web/"} []