Server specs and load levels

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  • tothewine
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2018
    • 403

    Server specs and load levels

    I was wondering what how to calculate server specs based on active users, database size (now 80k in future over 200k leads) and other factors. For now I go with 6 cores and 8gb ram. I will update on how it goes.
  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    No one really done a stress test on EspoCRM from what I seen. I'm a single user and from the CPU and RAM usage it look relatively low.

    I suppose you could stimulate a test then slowly scale it up to see what your server limit is. Previously I used YetiForce, I remember someone did a stress test on it and post the result and the method (might remember this wrong). Yetiforce were able to handle server load pretty strong was the result.


    • tothewine
      tothewine commented
      Editing a comment
      Do you happen to have a link to that post? Btw I dropped Yeti because I could not figure how customization worked... didn't find proper documentation for anything. One thing that should be done as part of pre-release should be stress testing at various spec and concurrency levels indeed.
      Last edited by tothewine; 01-22-2020, 03:37 PM.
  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    tothewine Hi, sorry didn't notice the comments and 6 months too late (wow been using Espo for about 6 months now!).

    In relation to the link, unfortunately no, I can't find it immediately or easily (tried to). I use to be quite active in the Github issue area so I read about it, I think it was a Vietnamese bank company that did the stress test. Only one link that is barely relevant to this topic is this:

    As for customization it was quite good but one thing that stopped me from using was the server requirement, it did not fulfill my shared hosting so I stopped using it. I used an offline server but local is too restricted to use and opening up Port Forwarding fail too many time.

    I just recently gave Yetiforce another try because some of their module is free and I considered using it until we willing to purchase Advanced/Sale packs. But after a brief test of their default field (Contact email and phone), I didn't want to go any further. Their design is still 1 field per item, it not like where EspoCRM you can use the + button to add more field.

    That not to say EspoCRM is perfect, these two field is only possible as it is default, we can't create these two field through GUI and must be done through coding. Hoping to see we can do that in the future because Array field isn't working as I wanted it to be.

    It searches is terrible and I'm currently using "Alias/AKA" array field type and can't search for it where it essential to find name quickly.


    • tothewine
      Active Community Member
      • Jan 2018
      • 403

      Thanks. I'll check it out. We were interested in yeti because of the expansive accounting part, but found espo far more modern to extend. The telephone part is probably inherited from table-like reasoning of entities rather than relational modeling.


      • esforim
        Active Community Member
        • Jan 2020
        • 2205

        Yes, the accounting was quite nice. But like many other CRM system it is quite a hassle to create mass data through the system itself. It can only be done through something like Spreadsheet first then do an import.

        There was quite a few time I request for a "multi-field" like the Phone/Email but the developer don't consider that is the correct approach (plus it will take lots of re-coding). Not much can be done.

        I wonder if there any other system CRM where quick create can be done through Row & Column similar to Spreadsheet style for easy copy and paste or reduce clicking and navigating.


        • tothewine
          Active Community Member
          • Jan 2018
          • 403

          Originally posted by espcrm
          Yes, the accounting was quite nice. But like many other CRM system it is quite a hassle to create mass data through the system itself. It can only be done through something like Spreadsheet first then do an import.
          I think with api one could do that

          Originally posted by espcrm
          There was quite a few time I request for a "multi-field" like the Phone/Email but the developer don't consider that is the correct approach (plus it will take lots of re-coding). Not much can be done.
          I've always frawned at espo's decision to use separate entities for telephone numbers, but I recognize it has some merit also for faster duplicate checking since entities with the same number are already related.

          Originally posted by espcrm
          I wonder if there any other system CRM where quick create can be done through Row & Column similar to Spreadsheet style for easy copy and paste or reduce clicking and navigating.
          closest thing could be microsoft access :P

