Server move not working, no log entries

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  • MatLudlam
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2016
    • 288

    Server move not working, no log entries

    Hi, I am moving Espo from one server to another.

    The target server I have little control over as it is shared and I am struggling to get things going.

    I have checked and the permissions on espocrm/data/log are 777 all the way down, but I am not getting any log file creation.

    All I get is a ESPO CRM link when I try to log in (see screen shot). I have tried going through the guide here: but some of the steps are very hard to complete with my environment (I have no shell and no recursive chmod).

    Any suggestions?


  • MatLudlam
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2016
    • 288

    Actually, I tried running a fresh install rather than a move and that has flagged up a number of issues that I will work through.


    • esforim
      Active Community Member
      • Jan 2020
      • 2205

      The beautiful thing about EspoCRM is it can be install on shared hosting which I use. If you don't have the skill to use shell and such it best to use a CPanel where all the tools and "easier" function is available there for you to use.

      First thing I notice you say is changed your permission to 777, this is not good as if it doesn't fit the right permission then certain file will stop you from continuing.

      In term of moving server, if you got the database I think it just the matter of logins details and server URL, editing these file is the issue. Some might be in a config file, other might be in the some not so obvious file.

      Let break down the Documents on how I would do this. Step 1. Backup files

      CPanel > File manager > Zip and/or Download all file in my EspoCRM. Alternative use FTP software (Filezilla / WinSCP) Step 2. Backup your database

      CPanel > SQL wizard or Database backup
      Step 5. Configure a server & Step 8. Correct EspoCRM configurations

      Open the file offline, edit it using Notepad or Notepad++ or any type of reader. I prefer this if I work on multiple files. It got more control then using the File Manager editor. Also the "search all open documents" in Notepad++ help.

      Step 7. Import your database backup

      Cpanel > MyPHPAdmin


      Of course this is all theory, I might fail if I ever get into your situation, who know how many time I have to reset the data. But EspoCRM seem trouble free at the moment (might run into issue when the next update hit).


      • MatLudlam
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2016
        • 288

        Thanks for the pointers.

        When I ran the fresh install, there is a tool that checks the config out for you. The issue is that my hosting vendor does not have "mod_rewrite" enabled in their Apache config. The installer found this and reported it. When I just tried to run an existing install, it just failed, no error, no log entries, nothing. I think it would be great if you could re-run the "check my configuration" element of the installer as a stand-alone tool, as this would have taken me to the correct place much quicker. It would also stop a lot of these questions (the forum is full of them).

        Thanks again


        • esforim
          esforim commented
          Editing a comment
          It be a rarely used feature though, unless they add a "Backup" or "Migrate" function.

          There /#Admin/systemRequirements menu does have quite a few details, but you are absolutely right it doesn't have the "Setup" check tools. I think this tools get deleted after installation to protect you from security breaches.
      • MatLudlam
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2016
        • 288

        I don't know how many people have migration issues, if it is just me (had issues twice, but I have a very special use case), or crops up regularly. The ability to run the configuration verification tools as a stand-alone would be great. The tools at /#Admin/systemRequirements were not available to me because it would not get that far. The new server didn't have the correct Apache modules configured so got stuck at the first step (just a blank screen and no log entries).

        The install check tools spotted the issue and told me what to do.

        Thanks for the feedback.

