Service 'App' was not found

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  • Guest

    Service 'App' was not found


    after Update 4.8.4 to 5.0.5 I always get the error "Fehler 500: Service 'App' was not found".
    Even after clearing cache, restarts...
    I tried installation now 3 times from running system 4.8.4, always the same error. Are there any hints?
  • tanya
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2014
    • 4308

    try to set the permission again.


    • Guest

      Hi tanya,

      thanks for the quick response.
      Setting the permissions does not help at all. Even if I set read/write or admin permissions to the whole folder and all sub folders it remains the same error. Any other hints? I could try stepwise update but I only can find the updatefile for 4.8.4 directly to 5.0.5.


      • yuri
        • Mar 2014
        • 8697


        I can suggest checking whether the file application/Espo/Services/App.php exists. Check its prermissions and owner.
        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


        • tanya
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2014
          • 4308

          Hi Dr. Sebastian,
          we found one crashed file in update. Could you replace the content in file /application/Espo/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Template.json with this
          Rebuild EspoCRM (if you couldn't do it with UI, you can run rebuild.php in terminal)
          Try now. And also check espocrm log (data/logs)


          • Guest


            sorry for the delay but I can only test this once per week on our real system while it is not used.
            application/Espo/Services/App.php - does not exist after update.
            Replacing the Template.json also does not help at all.
            I get still the same error and a big log after update! No error with Version 4.8.4 in the logs.
            The log is to big to upload here so I only uploaded the last lines.
            I really hope we find a solution!
            Attached Files


            • Guest

              On my current installation 4.8.4 there also is no:
              And also no "
              /api/v1/App/user" directory
              Last edited by Guest; 02-22-2018, 07:07 AM.


              • tanya
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2014
                • 4308

                This service was add in 5th version.
                Could you try to run upgrade with current (updated) upgrade package? Set before correct permission.
                You can create a test version for this process


                • Guest

                  Thank you very much for your fast response!
                  The last Upload for the upgrade package 4.8.4 -> 5.0.5 was from 2018.02.16. So I already used the lastest version as I downloaded it this morning from
                  The result was as I posted. I can't find a newer upload!
                  But I found your upload on sourceforge where the stepwise updatefiles from 4.8.4 -> 5.0.0 and ongoing are still available.
                  I'll give this a try next week as I'm not in my office at the moment. I'll give you a report if it works. By now I believe that some files are missing in the big update-file from 4.8.4->5.0.5. Hope stepwise update will help.


                  • Guest

                    Hi, now i've tried all your updates files.
                    EspoCRM-upgrade-4.8.4-to-5.0.5 leads to the error described above.

                    stepwise update doesn't update:
                    EspoCRM-upgrade-4.8.4-to-5.0.0 finishes with no errors listed in the "report" on the update screen but "Error: 500" pops up directly after the update. After clearing cache and refreshing it still tells me I've version 4.8.4 installed?!

                    Edit: I've also tried those updates with global read/write and admin rights...

                    Is there any possibility to perform a manual update? I realy want to avoid a new installation. We've spend lots of days fitting the system to our requirements with the internal entity editor...
                    Last edited by Guest; 03-08-2018, 08:02 AM.


                    • tanya
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2014
                      • 4308

                      Could you check apache error log?


                      • Guest

                        At least we managed to find the failure. It was the PHP max_execution_time 240 was not enough for this update! Wouldn't it make sense to show such timout failures to the user instead of "error:null".

