Hi teams,
really, the new upgrade process is perfect.. i have find many error
some sintax error, some forget file.. some bad file.. but it's hard .. i have add in "BeforeUpgrade.php" a "echo $file;" and then...
Now my issue is with my custom vendor library.
- some library are not "ready" (if i can say)
- i use some other library..
- i use phpWord and phpPresentation ..
Fatal error: Cannot declare class Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader, because the name is already in use in custom/Espo/Custom/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php on line 43
This error, i have not find how resolve.
So my question :
- what's is the best way if we use custom vendor library ?
- what's is the best way when update in next release ?
When i do this, install an clean V9... dump database , copy my custom folder and rebuild and all seemt OK.
What do you think ?
really, the new upgrade process is perfect.. i have find many error

some sintax error, some forget file.. some bad file.. but it's hard .. i have add in "BeforeUpgrade.php" a "echo $file;" and then...
Now my issue is with my custom vendor library.
- some library are not "ready" (if i can say)
- i use some other library..
- i use phpWord and phpPresentation ..
Fatal error: Cannot declare class Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader, because the name is already in use in custom/Espo/Custom/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php on line 43
This error, i have not find how resolve.
So my question :
- what's is the best way if we use custom vendor library ?
- what's is the best way when update in next release ?
When i do this, install an clean V9... dump database , copy my custom folder and rebuild and all seemt OK.
What do you think ?