I had problems installing the software on my Ionos server (IONOS Dedicated Server L-16 SSD managed) and finally figured out what the issues were.
- The installation stops at some point. Follow the hints given for the changes in the .htaccess files before continuing.
- Email parameters can be found on the Ionos help page. The standard SMTP port in the email settings also needs to be changed!
- Ionos has a very good admin user interface, but you can only set crontab execution to once a day. To set the crontab to 1-minute intervals, you need to log in as an admin on your server and add the crontab-line by hand. I recommend using PuTTY on Windows PCs. The correct crontab call on my server is "/usr/bin/php8.1-cli cron.php". Please test this command first on the command line beforehand (navigate to the CRM folder first). If you don't know the path to the command, try "whereis php.xxx".