Premission problems after upgrading

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  • lucakuehne
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2016
    • 195

    Premission problems after upgrading


    I tried update EspoCRM, Advanced Pack and Outlook integration to the latest version yesterday.

    First I did update the Advanced Pack and afterwards EspoCRM itself. The update from Outlook integration from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 fails everytime with an erro regarding a failed rebuild. At the first try the update of EspoCRM failed as well with an rebuild error I think, but on eventually it did run.

    Then I tried a manuall rebuild using "php rebuild.php" and it does work with no errror, but it doesn't fix the problems.

    I also have the problem, that I can list all emails under /#Email/list/folder=all , but I can't open a email, as soon as I try that, I get a timeout and an error 500.

    When looking a the logs, I suspect a permission problem, but I don't know where to start looking... Thankful for every idea.
    Attached Files
  • shalmaxb
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 1638

    The error log points to the errors (hence the name):

    1. Some permissions on the server do not seem correctly configured. There is a command in the doc, which sets all correct permissions in one comamnd. You need CLI in your webserver.
    2. Ist is obvious, that you deinstalled extensions from installations before version 8.x. From there the forlder structure for extensions changed. And as always some folders and files are kept in espocrm (as well as in web-folders as in the database), you should first delete these old data first. Look in all folders with the name modules (client, client/custom and custom). As I do not know, which extensions you used and are using, coud be a procedure to delete all of them, delete (not only de-install) in Administrator->extensions and in the database table extensions. So you will have an installation without any extension and will be able to start from scratch your extensions.
    3. There are repetive Errors in the log file, written after every try. The main thing is the permission problem.

    To get a fresh log fil, merely delet the one with today`s date. In case of further errors a new one will be written.


    • lucakuehne
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2016
      • 195

      Originally posted by shalmaxb
      1. Some permissions on the server do not seem correctly configured. There is a command in the doc, which sets all correct permissions in one comamnd. You need CLI in your webserver.
      Yes I tried setting the permissions and owners using the commands in the docs ( But it sadly does not work. I also get some errors ("chmod: changing permissions of 'PATH': Operation not permitted"), that the permissions can not be set when running the command
      sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} + && find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +;​

      Originally posted by shalmaxb
      2. It is obvious, that you deinstalled extensions from installations before version 8.x. From there the forlder structure for extensions changed. And as always some folders and files are kept in espocrm (as well as in web-folders as in the database), you should first delete these old data first. Look in all folders with the name modules (client, client/custom and custom). As I do not know, which extensions you used and are using, coud be a procedure to delete all of them, delete (not only de-install) in Administrator->extensions and in the database table extensions. So you will have an installation without any extension and will be able to start from scratch your extensions.
      Yes I have seen that in the changelog, but shouln't the files on the old path be remove automatically after/during an update?
      I'm going to try to delete the extensions from "client/modules", "client/custom/modules" and "custom/modules" as you have suggested. I'm going to see how that works and then give you another feedback.


      • lucakuehne
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2016
        • 195

        So I did remove the extensions from everywhere I found them. They were in four folders. Then I could reinstall the Advanced Pack and the Outlook integration without a problem.

        Also there are no new errors getting written to the logs since that moment.

        But I still can't open a single email. I can show a list of all emails under /#Email/list/folder=all, but as soon as I try to open one, I'll get a timeout. But there are no error in the logs.
        Last edited by lucakuehne; 02-05-2024, 07:51 PM.

