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Can create but not delete a calendar appointment

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  • Can create but not delete a calendar appointment

    I do not understand what is happening and see no log enries in data/log/ for this problem. I am looking at a fresh installed EspoCRM Version 8.0.4 .
    I am logged in as administrator and simply created a single calendar entry without any problem. Next I tried to delete this appointment but when confirming the delete operation I get an error 403 and the appointment remains in the calendar. Where are calendars stored and why could it happen that I have permissions to create an appointment but cannot delete it?

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    Hi Rainer Krienke,

    Could you please tell me if this behavior only occurs with Calendar records or with other entities as well?


    • #3
      Originally posted by lazovic View Post
      Hi Rainer Krienke,

      Could you please tell me if this behavior only occurs with Calendar records or with other entities as well?
      Just tried "Aufgaben" in english perhaps tasks. Here the bahaviour is the same. So its sane to assume that the problem exists not only for Calendar and tasks but for more.


      • #4
        Rainer Krienke,

        Please check if the HTTP DELETE Method is allowed on the server where you are using your EspoCRM instance.

        Also check permissions and ownership for EspoCRM directory just in case:​


        • #5
          Hi, thanks for your answer. I activated HTTP DELETE and also found a leftover default config file that was included into apache config that still contained the old fashioned Allow All, Order by statements from module access_compat and this led to a "client denied by server configuration"​ error. Now deleting appointments works.

