Need help with checboxes

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  • FrunzaEmilian
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2023
    • 1

    Need help with checboxes

    Can someone explain me how do checkboxes work. I need to place some checkboxes in the html code for the pdf maker with espoCRM and i need to map some variables to these checkboxes. The thing that I know is that i got variables named like {{doesJhonGoToMall}} that returns a true/false. I need to map this information to an checkbox. The checkboxes that i already tried to use is the vanilla one from html <input type="checkbox" id="asd" name="asd" /> and the one that i found in their documentation
    {{checkboxTag fieldName option='Option 1' color='black'}}
    . But I just can't find where to pus my variable so this checkbox would be checked/unchecked. Does anyone know the answer?​
  • shalmaxb
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 1640

    It is described here (TCPDF), you put your option, where is written 'Option 1' :

