How to initialize a field with value of a field in the linked table during create?

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  • ctheuring
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2022
    • 139

    How to initialize a field with value of a field in the linked table during create?

    initialize a field lastname during create in the table project-position with the value of the field lastname from the n:1 linked table project, that also contains the field lastname (in the creating-form before saving)

  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8716

    If you have an ID of a related record (if it's passed in a link field, e.g. projectId), you can utilize record\update formula function.

    You can also utilize a Workflow tool from Advanced Pack that will update a related entity upon record creation.
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • ctheuring
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2022
      • 139

      thanks yuri (again for your help)

      I've made the Workflow ... but it need some tries. Until I used
      (my 1:n is: 1 project : n project-positions):
      a formular in the entity.projekt-positions where the content has to be taken from the entity.project (formular: entitycurrentId = entitylinkedID)
      AND the same formular in the Workflow-action for the entity.project-positions,
      the Workflow works :-)

      Now I try to create a Workflow which updates the €-sum-field in the entity.project of all linked entities.projekt-positions.
      (the same 1:n is: 1 project : n project-positions)
      ​The Workflow must be create for the entity.project ... but with which trigger? The right trigger would be after create (or update) one of the entity.project-positions
      So I thought, first it need 2 Signals: create.project-positions and update.project-positions
      But how to create this?
      and second it needs in Formular of the Workflow for project the @<name of the signal>​

      I read the documentation ... more than on time, but sorry, I can't understand it - may be my understanding of the espo-deeps are not good enough. But I'll struggle with this wonderful software. (... a example sometimnes would be helpfull)
      I want to replace a crm-software (written in java, custom-designed with javascript and SQL), runs for 25 years in a german company for more than 300 people, with espo-crm. It's still working, but it becomes more and more difficult to run it with current OS, current java and current database-version (I use the great FirebirdDB). So I've found espo-crm, made a try and start the "upgrading".


      • yuri
        • Mar 2014
        • 8716

        It's not very clear for me what exactly you want to achieve.

        Whenever a specific project field is changed, to copy the new value to related records?
        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


        • ctheuring
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2022
          • 139

          Good morning yuri, thank you for your time
          My goal is: if I changed the amount in a record (the n in 1:n) in project-positons (the price of a machine) or if a create a new record in project-positons with a another price, I want so change the field sum-prices-of-all-positions in the higher-level entity projects (the 1 in 1:n). The formula in the entirty projects (to build the the sum) "runs" only, if the project-record was changed and saved.
          I thought, I need signals for project-positions (update or create) to start a workflow in the entity projects.
          If this advisement is ok, then I want to know, how (and where) create the signals. Or is there a better way to reach the goal?



          • lazovic
            Super Moderator
            • Jan 2022
            • 902

            Hi ctheuring,

            If you want the Project record to change the value of the sum-prices-of-all-positions field when we create a related Project Position with the amount field filled in or change the amount field value of the linked Project Position, you should use Workflow:
            • Target Entity​: Project Position
            • Trigger Type: After record saved (created or updated)
            • Actions:
              Update Related Record > Project
              sumAmount = entity\sumRelated('projectPositions', 'amount');


            • lazovic
              Super Moderator
              • Jan 2022
              • 902

              The last line (duplicate formula) is redundant.

              ctheuring, please let me know if you have any difficulties or questions with this solution.


              • ctheuring
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2022
                • 139

                lazovic - you made my day :-) ... and I have learned another solution about espo - thanks.

                The outcome of this is: how to update sumAmount if a projectPositon is deleted?
                I made a Workflow with
                • Target Entity​: Project Position
                  Trigger Type: ... ops, there is no Trigger ) after (or before) delete... so I tried after record updated ... but I promised, that there is no update by a deletion.
                  Update Related Record > Project​
                -> it doesn't run - as expected.
                Do you have still also a solution?



                • lazovic
                  Super Moderator
                  • Jan 2022
                  • 902


                  You should create another workflow to recalculate the value of sumAmount field after the related Project Position has been deleted:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	191
Size:	51.7 KB
ID:	99053

                  Formula used:
                  sumAmount = entity\sumRelated('projectPositions', 'amount');
                  You can learn more about signals in workflows here:​​​​​​​​


                  • ctheuring
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2022
                    • 139

                    Originally posted by lazovic

                    You can learn more about signals in workflows here:​​​​​​​​
                    I've read it, but now I understand, that the Built-in signals must not declared ... sorry, sometimes it's difficult to understand "out-of-the-box" explanations in a foreign language.

                    Now this one (of my current problems/questions) running. But these questions are better in another post.
                    Thanks a lot



                    • yuri
                      • Mar 2014
                      • 8716

                      I recommend to keep learning the signals for the last. They are mostly needed for more complex BPM processes.
                      If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.

