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Very hard to read SMS, any way to add more details or colors?

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  • Very hard to read SMS, any way to add more details or colors?

    Hi community!
    On the details view we might have tens of messages, is there a way to clearly mark them as incoming/outgoing, + add some icon or color, something?

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Any ideas?


    • esforim
      esforim commented
      Editing a comment
      No idea! I can only assume it possible to do with Custom CSS or theme or Custom View. All of which I can't help or have any past thread to share.

  • #3
    Can you please tell me how to add custom css?
    esforim, in which file?

    It would be nice to show the difference between incoming/outoing sms, it could be color or a label on the screen like: "Incoming" if you check my screenshot, looks like a mess



    • esforim
      esforim commented
      Editing a comment
      Sorry can't really help! You can only use your web browser Inspector and play from there.
      I bring to your attention again: "All of which I can't help or have any past thread to share."