Ok My issue is resolved. After careful re-examination of the Devcrm video - I finally noticed my error of having lowercase id in assignedUserID. Now working fine. My other error that faile validation that I could not work out is I had a multi select field - multi eNum - that stores data as {"New"], I could not find the right way to create the value= in the form (hidden field). I solved it but removing the field and recreate a single eNum field and all is good.
Thanks to all who commented, and I am happy to help anyone who may also be struggling with this issue
Lead Form Api - assigned User
Yes Lazovic you are correct. In the video they send an assignedUserId as a field and show how to retrieve the id. I am using a php script, also similar to the Devcrm script.
TonyLeave a comment:
I think that in this case it means this video from Devcrm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe2V...channel=Devcrm. -
Thanks for that link - I have my capture form working perfectly, except for assigneduserid - the video shows how to do that and I followed precisley bit the user id is not store but blank.
THe video is quite old and I am wondering if the api overrides the assigneduserid now?
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Lead Form Api - assigned User
I have a Lead From working using the API but cannot assign it to a user - anybody know if this is possible?
TonyTags: None
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