Many to many related added/removed, workflow (send http request)

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  • Russ
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2022
    • 466

    Many to many related added/removed, workflow (send http request)

    Hey guys, I searched the forum and found similar posts, but none of them is covering this issue.

    So I have a contact <-> "custom entity" with many to many relations, I need to trigger a workflow when many to many was changed (added or deleted)

    Please help, thanks!
  • lazovic
    Super Moderator
    • Jan 2022
    • 902

    Hi @Russ,

    You can use relate.ENTITY_TYPE.ID.LINK_NAME.FOREIGN_ID and unrelate.ENTITY_TYPE.ID.LINK_NAME.FOREIGN_ID signals in the BPM process:


    • Russ
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2022
      • 466

      Originally posted by lazovic
      Hi @Russ,

      You can use relate.ENTITY_TYPE.ID.LINK_NAME.FOREIGN_ID and unrelate.ENTITY_TYPE.ID.LINK_NAME.FOREIGN_ID signals in the BPM process:
      First of all, thanks.

      Sorry, I can't find a proper way of doing this, so I create a BPM with a start event type "signal" and once clicked on that little green start event, I see "signal" string, so I have to input a signal there, this signal relate.ENTITY_TYPE.ID.LINK_NAME.FOREIGN_ID, this is were it becomes confusing for me, how will it look on my example?
      relate.Contact.ID.locations.FOREIGN_ID, but I think it is wrong, I don't know the exact ids

      Please have a look at the flowchart, thank you!


      • lazovic
        Super Moderator
        • Jan 2022
        • 902


        It's a little clearer now, thanks for the screenshots.

        In this case, the Target Entity Type of your BPM process should be Contact, and the following signal should be used in the Signal Start Event element, this is already an object signal: @unrelate.locations.

        After that, everything should work.
        The regular signals that I recommended for you to use can only be used in the middle of the process, but not at the beginning. At a time when object signals are just intended to be used at the beginning of the process.

        Please learn more about:


        • Russ
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2022
          • 466

          Originally posted by lazovic

          It's a little clearer now, thanks for the screenshots.

          In this case, the Target Entity Type of your BPM process should be Contact, and the following signal should be used in the Signal Start Event element, this is already an object signal: @unrelate.locations.

          After that, everything should work.
          The regular signals that I recommended for you to use can only be used in the middle of the process, but not at the beginning. At a time when object signals are just intended to be used at the beginning of the process.

          Please learn more about:

          Thanks, it worked

