I'm guessing you've tried switching from TLS, SSL and None which means that's not the issue
Does your main service have a web interface?
What you also might try is telnet in to your mail server via the secure and unsecured ports
I just tested ssh and telnet and the connection request timed out, not surprising although
the IP Lookup returned results which looks like you have a static IP in the office
can you connect to the mail server with your mail client(Thunderbird, OutLook or ---)? if yes check the account settings
is your firewall blocking the connection?
is the mail server on the same server as EspoCRM?
confirm user name is correct, my mail server requires email address as user name but login is just the name without the URL
I can't think of anything else at present
No announcement yet.
IMAP Config not working
Hi Bobber,
This issue is not related to EspoCRM, but to settings/configurations of your Dovecot server. A similar problem is described here: https://www.roundcubeforum.net/index.php?topic=25321.0.
IMAP Config not working
I've just set up ESPO CRM, version 7.3.4. I'm trying to configure IMAP but I can't get it to work. I'm trying to connect with the Dovecot IMAP server. I'm using SSL and port 993. When I test the connection I get this error: Error 500: cannot connect to host; error = stream_socket_client(): Unable to connect to ssl://mail.edm-inc.com:993 (Unknown error) (errno = 0 )
When I look in the error log in data/log I see this: [2023-03-17 19:26:32] DEBUG: API (0) cannot connect to host; error = stream_socket_client(): Unable to connect to ssl:/
/mail.edm-inc.com:993 (Unknown error) (errno = 0 ); POST /EmailAccount/action/testConnection; Input data: {"host":"mail
.edm-inc.com","port":993,"security":"SSL","username":"b ob.wooldridge@edm-inc.com","password":null,"id":"641496d1596a15f
85","emailAddress":"bob.wooldridge@edm-inc.com","userId":"*****"}; Route pattern: /{controller}/action/{action}; Route
params: Array ( [controller] => EmailAccount [action] => testConnection ) [] []
[2023-03-17 19:26:32] ERROR: (0) cannot connect to host; error = stream_socket_client(): Unable to connect to ssl://mai
l.edm-inc.com:993 (Unknown error) (errno = 0 ); POST /EmailAccount/action/testConnection; line: 110, file: /var/www/Esp
oCRM-7.3.4/vendor/laminas/laminas-mail/src/Protocol/ProtocolTrait.php [] []
On the mail server Dovecot log I see this: Mar 17 14:29:53 mail dovecot[1581]: imap-login: Disconnected: Connection closed: SSL_accept() failed: error:14094418:SSL routines:ss
l3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert unknown ca: SSL alert number 48 (disconnected before auth was ready, waited 0 secs): user=<>, rip=10.10.1.
105, lip=, TLS handshaking: SSL_accept() failed: error:14094418:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert unknown ca: SSL al
ert number 48, session=<Rzb7mR33XpUKCgFp>
The Dovecot log seems to indicate ESPO is using TLS version 1? Is that possible? Any other ideas?Tags: None
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