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Add quote item (product) by barcode

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  • esforim
    Idea or feature request?

    I'm not sure it it possible to do this through API, I doubt it is.

    I once talk about this but didn't get very far. Good luck revival this topic.

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  • sandro
    started a topic Add quote item (product) by barcode

    Add quote item (product) by barcode

    Hello everyone,
    I have added field for barcode in product entity. Now I would like to be able to add products in quote by scanning barcode. We can put any suffix on scanner (maybe TAB). So it would be nice if i could enter barcode (which is unique for product) and if TAB key is pressed product is selected and I can proceed to enter Qty. So basically I need product to be accepted in quote item if product with entered barcode exists. Thought it would be nice feature and if you have any ideas please share