Automate invoice sending and payment tracking process
Automate invoice sending and payment tracking process
we have espoCRM and purchased 2 extensions - Sales and Advanced Pack.
We want to 1) automate invoice sending and 2) payment tracking process.
In preparation we added following 2 entitys/fields to:
- account: extra e-mail address for submitting electronic invoices (text) and payment days (integer)
- invoice: paid ammount, paid date
I am not sure, if we should make 2 different flowcharts for this, or compact this in one only.
1) First we want to send invoice immediately after creation by e-mail to created extra e-mail address for submitting electronic invoices with PDF attachment.
2) Second, we want to have a process which looks if invoice has been paid - it should be possible by comparing invoice total and paid ammount value, and, if it is overdue - it should be possible by comparing invoice date and adding payment days value to it. If one of these is the case, we want to send a reminder to created extra e-mail address for submitting electronic invoices with PDF attachment.
How can we do it?
1) For the first task, can it be done with emitting signal @create.Invoice when invoice has been created and subscribing to this signal by signal start event which target entity type is Email?
2) And the second task should be a conditional start event with a @invoiceCapture.INVOICE_CAPTURE_ID capturing the values of paid date, calculating them?
Thank you for any idea if we are going in the right direction and help.
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