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Workflow failed how to find a solution

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  • Workflow failed how to find a solution

    hello i use workflow feature to create pdf
    when i load my process many things works but a workflow doesnt works
    it return faile but nothing more
    what is the process to find a solution
    it do this
    pdfAttestationInscriptionId = ext\pdf\generate('InscriptionJN', entity\attribute('id'), '61ba02848ca39258b', 'AttestationInscription.pdf');

  • #2
    Hi yberges,

    Could you show a screenshot of your entire Workflow so that it can be recreated in a test instance?


    • item
      item commented
      Editing a comment
      hello @lazovic,

      i will just say, it's my opinion, you are Super Moderator, i am nothing .. you can. ban me

      please, don't loose time..
      ok we will help ..
      but this post : one line of code.. why not all code ? it's top secret
      other post not resolved ..

      so if you have time to loose for nothing .. please i have one question :

      how send file from workflows/bpm crm->to-external .. and from external->to-EspoCRM (api client espocr)

      i think all teams of espoCrm need less work... i understand Yuri, .. all post in forum help need follow like github bug post requirement.

      Last edited by item; 12-09-2022, 03:49 AM.

  • #3
    hello thanks

    item sorry i don't undersatnd you comment ...
    forum is for helpi put all code of workflow, i try to do my best to be helped ...
    Attached Files


    • #4
      i think i found ... my pdf template seems have problem with {{if}}


      • lazovic
        lazovic commented
        Editing a comment
        Please tell me, now your BMP has earned correctly, without errors? Or do you still need help with this?

    • #5
      Dear item,

      The EspoCRM community members (customers, moderators and developers) try to help each other on this forum no matter how much information has been provided. We can always clarify the details with the person who needs help, and there is nothing terrible or complicated about this.
      If you have a specific question, you can always open a new thread on the forum and ask the community members for help.

      Regarding your question, most likely, this article from the documentation will help you, which explains how to work with files using API requests in EspoCRM:


      • esforim
        esforim commented
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        I believe what item trying to say is: with these Help question, it should follow a Guidelines like the git/EspoCRM reporting template to better help people.

        Too much freedom in first post (e.g. single line question) make it difficult to help the person who need help and it take more time to find a solutions.

        If as much as information were posted; for example Template or Guidelines, then it would be easier to give solutions.

        Personally I'm OK with lax rules as sometime the "template" just restrict discussion. However people can only blame themself if they don't provide enough information and people can't help give solutions when there not enough information.

      • item
        item commented
        Editing a comment
        thank you esforim,

        you have understand my "..."

    • #6
      for me all is ok now !
      => just a question an easy way exist to "force" all process to execute it ? for now i use start process in each entry


      • lazovic
        lazovic commented
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        We're glad everything is working properly.

        You just need to properly set up the Conditional Start Event element.
        It's supposed to be triggered automatically when specified conditions are met. There are three types of triggers: 'After record created', 'After record updated', 'After record saved'.

    • #7
      ok thanks

