Bug in PDF footer when i'm using pageNumber and totalPageNumber tags
Please, don't provide links to the domo in bug reports. Its lifetime very short.Leave a comment:
Okay, if you can't fix it - no problem. Wanted to report just in caseLeave a comment:
This works:
Code:<table width="100%" style="border:none; font-size:8px;"> <tbody><tr> <td width="15%" style="text-align: left;"><strong>Test Inc.</strong><br>TAX ID: 1234567890</td> <td width="40%" style="text-align: left;">e-mail: contact@domain.com | phone 123 456 789<br>Correspondence address: ul. Test 13/2, 02-123 Warsaw</td> <td width="18%" style="text-align: left;background-color:red">Page <br>{pageNumber} from {totalPageNumber}</td> <td width="24%" style="text-align: left;">Generated at {{now}}<br>by Johne Doe</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Last edited by shalmaxb; 12-04-2022, 04:53 PM.Leave a comment:
shalmaxb thank you for your response.
If you have time, you can play with it
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from my expierience, it could be the <br> before the page number or even the space before that <br> in the code. The PDF editor behaves very strange sometimes.Leave a comment:
Maybe it is because the sum of your cell % is not 100 %, but the table itself is.Leave a comment:
Bug in PDF footer when i'm using pageNumber and totalPageNumber tags
Hello Guys,
i think that i found a bug. I've created new PDF template on demo.espocrm.com which contain footer with Footer position set to 10. Then i switched Footer editor to code and I've pasted this code:
HTML Code:<table width="100%" style="border:none; font-size:8px;"> <tbody><tr> <td width="15%" style="text-align: left;"><strong>Test Inc.</strong><br>TAX ID: 1234567890</td> <td width="45%" style="text-align: left;">e-mail: contact@domain.com | phone 123 456 789<br>Correspondence address: ul. Test 13/2, 02-123 Warsaw</td> <td width="13%" style="text-align: left;background-color:red">Page <br>{pageNumber} from {totalPageNumber}</td> <td width="24%" style="text-align: left;">Generated at {{now}}<br>by Johne Doe</td> </tr></tbody></table>
And that's a result:
I've changed background color of problematic cell to red to show you how big is this cell and it should fill only two lines, instead of three. Even if i remove <br> to get everything into one line, i can't:
It's also look weird if i switch alignment to right:
cell is big enough to show whole cell in one line, but it doesn't, probably because of tags? If i remove tags and replace them with Page 1 from 1, it looks normal:
Tags: None
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