Formula and validation question
yes genial ca marche !!!!!!!!! merci item (super cool de trouver des utilisateur FR) -
Ton entity Profil est de type : Person ? ce qui semble etre le cas :
"name" c'est une concatenation de "firstName" et "lastName". ce n'est pas comme les autre entityType où l'on a reellement un attribut "name"
dans ton cas :
firstName = string\upperCase(firstName);
lastName = string\upperCase(lastName);
Pour les mask Input, on a pas de solution et generalement ca pose probleme a l'usage (en tout cas, dans notre entreprise)Leave a comment:
yes i see this but i am not a dev ... i need to understand how i can add this in formula and apply to a specific field
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Hi yberges,
You can set Name field's value in uppercase after save using this formula: a comment:
Formula and validation question
i need to understand 2 things with field and validation
1 i create a profil and i want to set Name in uppercase after save
how i can do this with formula ? i edite my profil identity, go to formula but i don't understand how i can set Name to uppercas
2 in a phone field how i can do a mask for value ?
thanks for your help
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