Information on User tasks

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  • esendino
    Senior Member
    • May 2019
    • 158

    Information on User tasks

    Seems to me that using variables in user task is not working properly for nonstring fields:

    I have some process that makes the following calculation

    $prProcesosNTCount = record\count('BSProcesosEspo',
    'procesoEspoTermino=', 0,
    'procesoEspoRevisado=', 0,
    'procesoEspoHoraInicio<', $prHoraLimite);​

  • esendino
    Senior Member
    • May 2019
    • 158

    Sorry, posted too early

    Y have the following calculation:

    $prProcesosNTCount = record\count('BSProcesosEspo',
    'procesoEspoTermino=', 0,
    'procesoEspoRevisado=', 0,
    'procesoEspoHoraInicio<', $prHoraLimite);

    So I get a scalar number for $prProcesosNTCount. Could be, 0, 1, 2, ...

    As I'm having problems with non string I add the following:

    $prErrorAuxDat1 = $prProcesosNTCount;
    $prErrorAuxDat1B = string\concatenate($prProcesosNTCount);​

    $prErrorAuxDat1 should be a scalar and $prErrorAuxDat1B should be a string

    Then I create a user task where include the following code:

    For the test:
    prErrorAuxDat1: {$$prErrorAuxDat1}
    prErrorAuxDat1B: {$$prErrorAuxDat1B}​

    When executed, I see the following in the user task:

    For the test:
    prErrorAuxDat1: {$$prErrorAuxDat1}
    prErrorAuxDat1B: 1​

    The $prErrorAuxDat1 variable wasn't substituted by its value. It behaved as it had a null value.

    If I do the same for an e-mail it worked perfectly

