testing ESPO as educational portal, ran into problem - not showing up for test user

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  • Guest

    testing ESPO as educational portal, ran into problem - not showing up for test user

    I ran across using ESPO as a course-management educational platform and decided to try my hand at setting it up that way myself. I used the meeting entity type for the course, the task entity type for the modules, and added a field to the course entity to point to a document folder chosen during course creation, and added ability to add additional course material to the modules. All of that is working fine.


    I've added the ability to add attendees to the Course, but when I log into the test user, the course list is empty even after logging them out, logging them back in, refreshing the page, etc.

    Is there anything written about ensuring clients/contacts can be successfully added as attendees for a course entity based on the meeting entity type?

  • lazovic
    Super Moderator
    • Jan 2022
    • 864

    Hi Guest,

    Please carefully review, in the Administration > Roles > [the_role_of_your_test_user] > the items "Read" and "Edit” must be set to “all" or to “team”.


    • Guest
      Guest commented
      Editing a comment
      That wasn't the problem and we both posted at the exact same time just now. But yes, roles and permissions are important.
  • Guest

    Ok, solved that problem with changing from foreign entity: users, to foreign entity: contacts.

    Does every single module of a course need to be individually assigned to each contact, or is there a way where, when the course is assigned, (meeting entity type remember), the module (task entity type or base plus) and any associated document folders with their contents are automatically assigned as well? If each module and each document inside each folder has to be individually, manually assigned to the student, that could get tedious in a hurry!


    • lazovic
      lazovic commented
      Editing a comment
      You can set up automatic assigning via Workflow or Formula.
  • Guest

    Workflow is available in the pro version of ESPO. . . Formula is available in the free version. Hmmm. . . I'll see if the documentation has any examples I can use. I'll be needing an if/then statement where: if course is assigned to so-and-so, then assign these modules and those documents to so-and-so too.


    • Guest

      I'm not a programmer... ugh. . . I think I found part of what I need:

      entity\addLinkMultipleId(LINK, ID)

      Adds ID to Link Multiple field.

      entity\addLinkMultipleId(LINK, ID_LIST)

      I'm assuming entity would be the entity I created called "Course" and ID_LIST would be something like a Target List? I'm not really sure what I'm doing here at all.

      When I assign a course to a user, I want the modules, document folder and documents for the course assigned to that user too, automatically.

      I've also run into another problem. . . If a user is assigned to one course, they can't be assigned to another one. . . or is this just a matter of choosing "many to many" for the contact field I'm renaming "students"?


      • lazovic
        Super Moderator
        • Jan 2022
        • 864


        In general, if you want to join Users, I recommend that you create several Teams (like a class groups) and not deal with each user individually.
        Each record of your entities (Courses, Documents, Modules) must have a Teams field. This will make it much easier for you to work with the same formulas.

        Try this solution, and if it does not work for you, I will help you solve the problem in another way.


        • Guest

          I previously tried that method, creating teams from users, and ensuring that field was in the course and module detail layouts. But after assigning a course to a team, I'd log in as one of my test users in the student portal, ensuring teams permissions were properly assigned to that portal user, and no course would show up in the course list. If I assigned using the contacts list instead, the course would show up. I too thought use of teams would work better as I saw the suggestion to someone else in mass-assignment of cases, still manual, but only doing it once instead of who knows how many times for however many might register.

          I'm bouncing between trying to get this going in ESPO or trying to set up an LMS in wordpress. Each platform has something it's hanging up on and I want my stuff moved sooner than later.


          • Guest

            I've gone with dozent on wordpress for now. But being able to set up ESPO CRM to handle courses as well will have it's own potential uses in the future.

