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Remove Account Email

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  • Remove Account Email

    When I remove an email address the related emails are not deleted. Why does this happen ? I ran a few queries directly in the database and actually the data is still present in the tables. There are both the email addresses that I have deleted and the related emails. Now I have a user with no associated emails but if I go into the emails I actually see the latest emails until the address is deleted. I don't think such behavior is normal. Do you also have this problem?

    I am attaching a screen.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello Stefano
    if you remove any record from EspoCRM it'll not be removed from the database immediately. It'll take some time until record will be removed from the database.
    There is something called Clean-up and it remove deleted records from the database.

    Here you have params related to cleanups


    • #3
      i forced clean-up to run every hour. From the logs I can see that it was executed at 10 with success (attached the screen), but I keep seeing the emails ... it seems that it did not clean up as it should? how can I solve this problem ?
      maybe i could do a delete in the DB table? it's risky ?
      which tables would be affected?

      Attached Files

