Can be run only via CLI
For anyone using IONOS to host ESPOCRM please note that you need to add "-cli" to the following to manage the CLI in the PHP path
it should look like this
* * * * * /usr/bin/php7.4-cli /pages/30/c622445020/htdocs/ESPOCrm/cron.php > /pages/30/c622445020/htdocs/ESPOCrm/log.txt 2>&1
It's the simple things that can create the biggest problems.
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Can be run only via CLI
Hi All
It's been a long day.
We have just noticed that our cron jobs are not working and can trace the issue back to the EspoCRM-upgrade-5.9.4-to-6.0.10
In SSH the following is set up within Crontab
* * * * * /usr/bin/php7.4 /pages/30/c622445020/htdocs/ESPOCrm/cron.php > /pages/30/c622445020/htdocs/ESPOCrm/log.txt 2>&1
The above has been approved by 1and1 as the correct syntax for the Debian GNU/Linux server
When checking the Logfile we are seeing the following "Can be run only via CLI"
Running other tasks
/usr/bin/php7.4 /pages/30/c622445020/htdocs/ESPOCrm/command.php run-job Cleanup.php
also, give the same response "Can be run only via CLI"
Note: The following works /usr/bin/php7.4 -f /pages/30/c622445020/htdocs/ESPOCrm/cron_test.php works as expected and is not part of ESPO.
Any help would be much appreciated
Thank you in advance
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