not on layoutManager
this is this kind of view : "view": "views/fields/link-multiple-with-columns",
you need change/add the view type to "view": "views/fields/link-multiple" in entityDefs.
not sure, maybe in Account -> fields section -> contacts -> "view": "views/fields/link-multiple"
clearcache, rebuild ..
see : https://docs.espocrm.com/development...s/#field-views
i think so :
"view": "views/fields/link-multiple"
How can i hide the contactRole field?
How can i hide the contactRole field?
When I create a new Contact, I can add an Account. This is where the Title field shows up, which is not needed.
I tried looking at the Contact and Account Entity. That's where I found that the Title / contactRole field comes from the Account Entity. Now I looked at the Layout Manager and couldn't find a place where it was set. Same in the Contact Entity.
Is it possible to delete / deactivate that field?3 PhotosTags: None
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