New here, don't see a troubleshooting sub forum anywhere. Associated user error

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    New here, don't see a troubleshooting sub forum anywhere. Associated user error

    I just used Softaculous to install espocrm and have the 7.0.8 version installed on my shared server hosting account running apache on linux.

    I have not engaged in any programming or entity creation/editing as of yet, just seeing how this all works "out of the box". Not everything is intuitive, but I think I have most of the basics figured out, and am now trying to get a test portal functioning. My clients will need somewhere to see/manage their appt schedule with me, view/upload/manage the documents I request of them such as submitting their client intake packet for example. And I want them to view the list of tasks we have agreed to work on together, meeting notes, etc. Being as most CRM's out there, the best I can hope for on any of this is file upload and appt setting from the client, this portal concept is huge!

    But. . . after creating the portal role, creating the portal user, assigning the role to the user, and assigning the user to the portal, giving them a username and password, all of that, my test of the test portal is throwing errors.

    You'll notice in this screenshot: That "Assigned user" is somehow blank at the bottom of the create task view.

    In the Create Call view: the "assigned user" is populated but still throwing the same error.

    I get the same error in the Create Meeting screen:

    I've gone back through the portal user settings, the portal role settings, the permissions inside the portal role area, and I've looked up the portal area of the user guide, and I am lost regarding how to fix this error.

  • Guest

    Poking around... went into the entities area, clicked on tasks (one of the screenshots above), and found assigneduser with the required field checked. I unchecked it, and was able to create a task as a test user in my other browser. Now to make this change to the other areas my test user is supposed to be able to create stuff in. Posting here in case others run into this with an install straight out of the box.

